Tony Russo (AKA Tommy Russo) discovers that his boss, Pete Bronsky, has a little hideaway he goes to to relax and whack off; Pete spies, we watch each (alas, separately).

THE SUPER (AKA The Basement) at Gay Erotic Video Index
Tony Russo (AKA Tommy Russo) discovers that his boss, Pete Bronsky, has a little hideaway he goes to to relax and whack off; Pete spies, we watch each (alas, separately).
THE SUPER (AKA The Basement) at Gay Erotic Video Index
soooooo, sometime back in 2005 I had this magazine,The AL PARKER ALBUM, which, not only did I sell, but I only took some scans, and not as large a file as I would do nowadays… so researching what happened to that magazine, I can see the below eBay auction for the magazine (waaaaaaahhhh, I was unemployed, I needed the money, waaaaaaaah) anyway, here it is, tidied up a bit, but funny, you’ll notice some pics are cropped. eBay had this set of rules, basically you could show nudity, but not sex. so this passed muster. Just as I was about to post this, I found another html file, and I forgot that i made a post with a link to an AL PARKER ALBUM page, with slightly different pics than the auction – promises, promises – check it out. And then, if you check out the magazine cover, they are different – so back in the 2000’s, I had TWO Al Parker Albums???? ughhhh!
please note: magazine in great condition EXCEPT – sligh dog-earing on front cover – see pic; and back cover has some “crinkling near bottom of page – see detail below
please note: copyright is 1982, but pics were obviously taken during AL PARKER’s days at COLT STUDIOS, in the 1970’s – this magazine has a sticker price of $10.00, but is otherwise identical to the same issue that has the $8.50 original price tag
check out about me page for other auctions
PRIORITY MAIL ($4.50 includes delivery confirmation – combine “wins” and save
i.e. 1-4 (depending on thickness) mags ship in U S PRIORITY MAIL FLAT RATE for $4.50)
Please pay by U.S. POSTAL money order, if possible, for fastest shipping; (other money orders, and checks ok, but may take 7-10 days to clear).
That’s the guy above getting his balls worked on…sigh.
Only one film? – Yard Birds (AKA Country Caper) (1980?); contained on the VHS Bullet Videopac 5, which I own, but alas the tape is broken (and so why do I still have it?) And just hardly any photos – meaning just this one from a magazine called BULLET presents Bulls Eye! that I nabbed from eBay with him and co-star Brian Dexter….. the search goes on…
edit: but wait!
who you may remember from such films as
previous post on Tom, from 2009 – I Need Somebody To Love Tonight
If anyone knows of other publications, let me know – and of course any corrections! And of course – Tom LeDuc at GEVI.
1976, Man’s Image; John Gamble might be the photographer, and the model, of course, is Matt Harper