who you may remember from such films as
- The Sins of Johnny X – (1975)
- Snowballing – (1975)
- The Teenager and the Fugative – (1976)
- Diary of an “M” – (1976)
- Box Encounter – (1976)
- Golden Boys of the SS – (1976)
- Kansas City Trucking Co. – (1976) Desert Rat scene with Duff Paxton and Bud Jaspar
Heavy Equipment – (1977)– shouldn’t be here – see update below- Twelve at Noon – (1977)
- Where Joey Lives – (1977)
- Straight – (1977) – a scene from this film appears in both Big Men on Campus: The Fraternity -(1978), and Choice Cuts – (1983)

Film career only from 1975-1977? Not many photos around – we’ve got him on the cover of Fred Halsted’s short-lived Package (October 1975 issue, with a few more inside pics), and many years later, looking super hot in Drummer #79 (1984); and of course as Mike Leber in MEN OF ACTION magazine from 1981 (but can’t be sure when the photos were taken). So, we’ll keep up the hunt for more….
more Kurt Williams elsewhere on BJland

update: Heavy Equipment – there is NO reliable evidence that Kurt is in this film, even though his name – Kurt Williams (Mr Gay Nude) appears on several VHS and DVD covers – he’s not listed in the credits, nor, over the dozens of times I’ve watched the film, have I seen him
9 replies on “Kurt Williams”
His scene in Kansas City Trucking is so fucking hot, when he’s getting blown and the other guys cum is still dripping from his chin.
YES! YES! YES! with Duff Paxton (YUMMY!) and Bud Jaspar (his only porno film?)
Not to be confused with the other Kurt Williams from approximately the same era, though maybe a few years after, the younger more twink-like guy from Best Little Warehouse In L.A. and Gold Rush Boys. I know that the guys who resembled the Kurt in the pics above are more your cup of tea but the other Kurt was super cute in Gold Rush Boys, and had an unusually furry butt for being as young as he probably was then.
“super cute” usually doesn’t do it for me, that’s true enough, but did a little digging on the “other” Kurt Williams, and it’s enough for a future post. a scene with furry Michael Braun might, might get me to open the vaults and see if “Kurt” looks better in action…… long underwear, eh? This is from auction notes some years back: “Bearded, furry, deep-voiced Mike Braun inspects one of the prospective new boys (Kurt Williams). The hot young stud strips down out of his longjohns, and gets brief oral from Mike, who then demands oral on his own hariy crotch. Soon Mike is enjoying the new guy’s ass, and then tops him condomless “
In the closing credits of Gold Rush Boys they actually gave a company credit for providing the costumes, nothing too fancy with that or the set design but it’s enough to somewhat give the impression of it being 1890s instead of 1980s. Long johns, suspenders, robes, cowboy hats and attire, that red couch they are sitting on above, with the lamp and the plant behind them, a few old-looking beds and some wallpaper is pretty much it but at least it’s an effort. Oh yeah there’s at least one rug too.
Kurt is in three scenes, the first one you have a pic of above with Mike Braun and Mike rims him for a while, you can see how hairy his butt is pretty well there. But especially in his second scene with Joe Reeves, Joe picks him out of the whore lineup on the couch and has him get on the bed and undo his robe before telling him to roll over, and that’s when you can see how furry his ass was.
His third scene is with Nick Jarrett and another guy, Nick fucks Kurt as Mike and Joe did and he seems so innocent but eager each time — “put it in me, please?” Which combined with how sexy I thought he looked then (that’s definitely my type anyway, and for sure was at the time) makes it a recommended film as far as I’m concerned. But with Mike and Jim King also in the cast, so more age and body type variety than some other films had. And yeah, I did a slideshow about it :) and the player piano music but had to leave the best shots on the cutting room floor, including Kurt’s sexy butt, alas. Not to mention Nick’s massive dick.
zephyr. did you know there’s a longer version of the scene between kurt and Joe? I believe it includes a part where Kurt washes Joe’s dick before they get to business. It’s not in my copy of the film but I saw it on a friends version…been hunting for it ever since.
damn you guys hijacking my REAL Kurt Williams post! but setting ego aside, I am looking at the html file for two of the times I’ve sold GOLD RUSH BOYS on eBay, and one is 60 minutes, the other 72 minutes! Kev, are you looking at a VHS, DVD, or some other format for the version you have? (I’m betting it was an HIS version – box cover has bearded JIM KING)
The version I’ve seen is almost exactly one hour, you’re right that it doesn’t have the scene you describe. It also doesn’t have the exact scene BJ posted in his pic above, with Kurt and Mike sitting on the couch. Kurt walks over and Mike is kneeling on the floor, then in the shorter version it cuts to Kurt getting down on the rug to open Mike’s robe and suck him. I think BJ’s right, if the source is the videotape it’s likely the longer version, while the HIS Video chopped it down for the DVD.
yep it’s the HIS VHS one…i have