"vintage" porn stars eBay auctions

regrets, I’ve had a few….


soooooo, sometime back in 2005 I had this magazine,The AL PARKER ALBUM, which, not only did I sell, but I only took some scans, and not as large a file as I would do nowadays… so researching what happened to that magazine, I can see the below eBay auction for the magazine (waaaaaaahhhh, I was unemployed, I needed the money, waaaaaaaah) anyway, here it is, tidied up a bit, but funny, you’ll notice some pics are cropped. eBay had this set of rules, basically you could show nudity, but not sex. so this passed muster. Just as I was about to post this, I found another html file, and I forgot that i made a post with a link to an AL PARKER ALBUM page, with slightly different pics than the auction – promises, promises – check it out. And then, if you check out the magazine cover, they are different – so back in the 2000’s, I had TWO Al Parker Albums???? ughhhh!

eBay auction page below

  • 52 pages – only 2 are “ADS” – for other COLT products (8mm films with AL, and the COLT FOLIO)
  • 16 pages if beautiful color, the rest in Black & White
  • AL & Mike Davis from Timberwolves (1977 film) 6 pages, 11 photographs
  • anotehr 2-page, 8 photogrpah spread of them together in Making Hay – the two hot men during their first meetin amongst some haystacks!
  • AL & Tony Romano 6 pages, 9 photographs (see B & W kissing photo)
  • AL & Wolf Dehner in this hot photospread with this hot cop – 6 pages, 10 photographs
  • AL & Bob Bishop 8 pages, 19 photographs (looks like photos taken as same time as film shoot for Handtooled, in the van
  • 3 “solo” pics of AL from Handtooled (several hands join AL naked in the back of his van!)
  • AL meets TOBY! from thier only film together, CHUTE 8 pages, 15 photographs
  • AL & Mike Davis again, 6 additional pages, 13 photographs

please note: magazine in great condition EXCEPT – sligh dog-earing on front cover – see pic; and back cover has some “crinkling near bottom of page – see detail below

please note: copyright is 1982, but pics were obviously taken during AL PARKER’s days at COLT STUDIOS, in the 1970’s – this magazine has a sticker price of $10.00, but is otherwise identical to the same issue that has the $8.50 original price tag

check out about me page for other auctions

PRIORITY MAIL ($4.50 includes delivery confirmation – combine “wins” and save
i.e. 1-4 (depending on thickness) mags ship in U S PRIORITY MAIL FLAT RATE for $4.50)

Please pay by U.S. POSTAL money order, if possible, for fastest shipping; (other money orders, and checks ok, but may take 7-10 days to clear).

6 replies on “regrets, I’ve had a few….”

My first thought when I saw that cover pic was “Al Parker recorded an album, why didn’t I ever hear about this??” Then after I realized it was a *photo* album and not the other kind, my second thought was that in the larger pic he looks a bit like Englebert Humperdinck with a beard:

Sorry you had to sell off this one, especially if you had two copies of it to begin with.

So many great posts! So little time to respond! : /

This is in conjunction with my last post about Bob Bishop.

Hello BJ honey, I’ve been meaning to thank you for this post, but as usual, there are only so many hours in the day! : (

I too, used to own Colt’s The Al Parker Album. : )

I especially like the second, inset picture box, located on the right column; the one with Al Parker feeling up Bob Bishop’s torso, as he’s licking Bob’s neck. Bishop in turn, is feeling up Al’s dick, with his hand behind him – nice! : P

Isn’t there a fuller version of this same photo, where you can see their bodies, more completely?
Hint … hint. : )

#6 – I also especially love this picture of Al kissing Tony Romano! Didn’t I provide you this? Go ahead and call me a squish, but I love the detail of Al grabbing Tony’s ass, as he’s smooching him – lust and affection combined! Romano’s body looks so milky white, in contrast to Parker’s copper physique!

I totally adore Al Parker, and recognize him as a genuine, porn icon! Yes, I would say he was a Porn Divo, in the sense that he was a great, enthusiastic performer; and responsible for lots of classic porn!
: )

Truth be told however, the main emotion I feel toward him, is envy – awesome! : 0

I envy him the way I’m sure many straight men, envy JFK, Hugh Hefner, Errol Flynn (“in like Flynn!”), Gene Simmons from KISS, Mick Jagger, Warren Beatty, Jack Nicholson, Charlie Sheen, Wilt Chamberlain, and believe it or not, Scott Baio! : 0

“Whoa, dude! Way to go! You scored!” *HIGH FIVE SMACK!* : )

Seriously, has there ever been a gay porn star, who’s had better luck; working with so many gorgeous partners, on screen and in print? : 0

Many will certainly disagree, but I actually think that most of his co-stars; were physically better looking, than he was! That includes his companion, Richard Cole aka Steve Taylor! : )

I doubt Steve Taylor, that mature satyr, would have otherwise entered porn, if it wasn’t because of Parker!

Al Parker got to pick the cream of the crop, due to his position! What a lucky, homo, horn dog! : )

I can’t resist, listing all the ones, I enjoyed him with – absolute gold! :

Mike Davis, Tony Romano, Bob Bishop, Toby, Rydar Hanson, Paul Brooks, Mark Rutter, Giorgio Canali, Leo Ford, Jeff Turk, John Trent, Mickey Squires, Will Seagers, Duff Paxton, Lee Brubaker, Sky Dawson, Casey Donovan, Bob Blount, Justin Cade, Butch Taylor, and the above mentioned, Steve Taylor!

I know readers will resent my omissions, but I can’t really say; I was ever a fan of Kip Noll, Daniel Holt, or Craig Slater. : (

I know that Dick Fisk is very popular, but I could only enjoy him in certain roles. : I

Mind you, this list only includes his professional colleagues! I’m certain he must have had other, well known conquests; which include, mainstream celebrities! ; )

At one point, he was with Blue Blake. Blake claimed Al wouldn’t exercise his legs, because he thought having skinny legs; made his dick look longer! LOL! : )

Al Parker had such a voracious, sexual appetite! : P

Al and Steve Taylor had an open relationship. Taylor actually encouraged Parker, and watched!

I’m going to use this post, to test if this link will work. God, I hope it does! There are other pictures from this blog, which I want to use in the future – Hail Mary! Good luck! : )

This may have been Al Parker’s last spouse photo, with Steve Taylor. I find it very poignant! : (

Al Parker truly was a great star! You can tell, from all his satellites – moth to a flame! : )

; )

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