"vintage" porn stars Target Studios

Tommy Russo

That’s the guy above getting his balls worked on…sigh.

Only one film? – Yard Birds (AKA Country Caper) (1980?); contained on the VHS Bullet Videopac 5, which I own, but alas the tape is broken (and so why do I still have it?) And just hardly any photos – meaning just this one from a magazine called BULLET presents Bulls Eye! that I nabbed from eBay with him and co-star Brian Dexter….. the search goes on…

edit: but wait!

2 replies on “Tommy Russo”

I just sent you an email with a dl link to the zip file for the Target’s Champions porn mag where Tommy is identified as Tony Russo playing with Brian Dexter.

ooooh – I didn’t see an email, you sure you have the right address?

meanwhile, I DID see that he’s also listed as Tony Russo, and is in a film called THE SUPER with Pete Bronsky – I might even have the film itself – and ooooh!

CHAMPIONS?? I have a couple of pics, and one where Tony/Tommy is fully dressed but gobbling up Brian Dexter!

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