who you may remember from such films as
- Hard To Come By (1978)
- School Daze (1980)
- Muscle Up (1981)
- Intruders (1984)

previous post on Tom, from 2009 – I Need Somebody To Love Tonight

- THE FOX (1978 – Fox Studios)
- LETHAL MEAT (1979 – Fox Studios)
- In Touch 063 (March 1982)
- Mandate (December 1983)
- FOXHUNT 4 (1985 – Fox Studios)
- ALL MUSCLE 2 (1987 – Fox Studios)
- INTRUDERS (1988 – paired w/Kime Powell – Fox Studios)
- HARD TO COME BY (1989 – Fox Studios)
If anyone knows of other publications, let me know – and of course any corrections! And of course – Tom LeDuc at GEVI.

26 replies on “Tom LeDuc”
The scene with Tom and Kurt Lassen in Muscle Up is wonderful, with the Cowley song Primordial Landscape playing while they pose and caress each other, before getting down to the sex. There’s a shot where both of them are on a diving board, Tom on his back with his legs on Kurt’s thighs, at times you can’t see either of their faces but they make this very artistic tableau especially in the longshot from the other side of the pool. And the faces Kurt makes when Tom fucks him are almost sweet.
Right, they do fuck on the diving board before going over to one of the deck chairs to finish off. The shots I was referring to are just before your images, I couldn’t find pics anywhere online but I timestamped my Muscle Up slideshow to what I brought up:
As big and muscly as they both are, it was pretty impressive they managed to balance themselves up there at the same time at all, let alone the sex.
oh – same here – could barely (Ha ha) find ANY shots of this pair! but diving into LeDuc’s ass IS pretty nice!
btw – NICE JOB on the youtube video!
Thanks, if and when I made an intentional NSFW one I’ll for sure let you know. Right now one or two of them are age restricted by youtube not me, I know the Members Only one is one of them, guess I missed a dick or something lol.
I hadn’t heard of him, but I do have a fetish for a hot man with a speedo tan line so I found all his films online (except the first one), and woof! One of the reasons I love your blog is discovering new talent.
And zephyr, that video is terrific- thanks to you as well!
Just saw your comment, glad you like them as well. Thanks for the kind words.
He was pretty wonderful, wasn’t he? So warm and appealing! I really have a soft spot, for this big lug. : )
I’m all about muscles and sex! He really did fill the demand for youth, beauty, muscles, and of course, dick! : P
Vintage viewers will remember that his physical type wasn’t all that prevalent, in early porn. You did have muscle hunks like Ledermeister and Gordon Grant, but most of them tended to look more mature, and worldly. Although Tom LeDuc was huge, there was innocence about him – a boyish sweetness.
Billy Herrington also had this same kind of appeal. Both of them had lots of macho confidence, but they seemed friendly, and accessible.
Sleaze has its appeal. But there was nothing jaded or decadent about him. He doesn’t have the eyes for S & M – too warm. You notice he has shades on, in the last picture you posted – leather lite?
Tom LeDuc was the early precursor, to future, young bodybuilder/porn stars, beginning in the 80’s. Fresh, masculine hunks like Ty Arthur, Michael Christopher, Jim Pulver, Matt Powers, Paul Becker, Brant James, Josh Griffin, Erik Rhodes, and the fore mentioned, Billy Herrington etc.
You can’t really describe these bruisers as hotties or stud-muffins, at least I can’t. They’re too big in stature and brawn.
What I also loved about LeDuc, is that he was so uninhibited and sensual – totally versatile! He didn’t seem to have any hang-ups or boundaries, whatsoever – he kissed! Yet he still seemed so wholesome and All-American (he was actually Canadian). With him, it was all about pleasure. : )
Young porn viewers today, probably take his physical type, for granted: dude bros, college jocks, and frat boys. You can now regularly find these types of young studs in abundance, on websites like, Sean Cody, Gay Hoopla, Corbin Fisher, Cocky Boys, etc.
For me, Tom LeDuc will always be the face of Fox Studio. Let’s not forget though, that Jimmy Metz was also a Fox Studio exclusive.
All of LeDuc’s co-stars were also choice hunks of beef: Kurt Lassen, Tex Murdock, Scott Pryor, Jimmy Metz, Glenn Steers, and Kime Powell. In particular, Scott Pryor, his co-star in “School Dazeâ€, was such a cutie – a one hit wonder!
Back in the day, Colt, Target, and Fox, were the trifecta studios, of macho porn. Fox wasn’t as good as the first two, but it certainly held its own.
Thank you John Traynor/Coletti and Ronnie Shark/Bill Harrison. : )
I’ve posted this before. In case some of your readers don’t know, here’s a January 22, 2014 interview, with John Coletti discussing Patrick Cowley’s music:
Doesn’t he look (looked) great! ; )
And then there’s that all pervasive question in relation to pre-condom Edge stars, and that is, do you know if so-and-so, i.e. Tom DeLuc made it through the 1980s and is he still about? (I’m guessing no one knows). Thank you Obsessed! (I know that feeling). ~Dominic
I had a School Daze magazine, with Tom bringing home Scott Pryor who ended up in a great fuck scene with what I assume was Tom’s ‘daddy’/top. Would love to locate that mag or photos from it.
not seeing School Daze specifically on this list of Fox Studio publications; its’ not necessarily exhaustive; and/or pics from School Daze are contained in one of the other magazines, like perhaps Lethal Meat?
Jay, was Scott Pryor the curly headed golden-blone guy whose cock Tom lubes up with heavy lube in that scene? Also, who was the blonde in the window at the very opening of the movie? Thank you.
Jay, was Scott Pryor the curly headed golden-blone guy whose cock Tom lubes up with heavy lube in that scene? Also, who was the blonde in the window at the very opening of the movie? Thank you.
Jay, but wasn’t Rob Schott amazing in this film, as he clandestinely appears in the window in the first scene, and is happy to see dark haired Scott Pryor walk past his window! And that was just the beginning.
Jay, but wasn’t Rob Schott amazing in this film, as he clandestinely appears in the window in the first scene, and is happy to see dark haired Scott Pryor walk past his window! And that was just the beginning.
Jay, he brought Rob Schott home, i.e. the dark haired guy who later blows blonde Scott Pryor. I finally got that straight, but had to do a bit of research. .
Does anyone know if the curly haired blonde, Scott Pryor, ever did any other films/movies?
Is Tom Le Duc dead as I have seen on a website ?
Thank you for the information
He was a workout friend of mine in the 70s and early 80s in Ottawa, Canada. He passed away about a year ago, January 2024 in Ottawa.
There is a very small section of an interview with John Coletti on Youtube, where he says, that the pool scene was made in passadena.
I wish there would be more books of actors or movie makers of the gay porn industry of the 70s and 80s. Like the Jim French Diaries or so….
Yes, thank you.
Dark Entries interviews John Coletti of Fox Studio
[…] Source: BJ’s Gay Porno-Crazed Ramblings. […]
Does anybody know anything about his current status? Is he alive or dead? What caused his passing if so? Anything about his current life, married, etc?
Heh BJ, I’m still fairly new to vintage (five years), and this movie “School Daze” I just saw lastnight. I was totally blown away by the quality of what was 16 mm film converted to video! Very cleanly put together. And of course the music is a revelation. But I have one BIG question and being the obsessive person I am, I can’t rest until I know who the curly haired golden-blone guy was? He appears in the opening scene where Tom lubes up his dick with heavy lube, and Tom puts his dick in his ass. Also, I’m wondering if that blonde is either Dave Henderson or Rob Schott as those guys are noted in the beginning credits. Also is the blonde guy in the window at the opening scene, the same blonde in that hot scene with Tom, as Tom grabs his big dick lubes it up with that white stuff? (I’m not sure what that lube is called). Thanks so much for any infor you or your folowers can give regarding the curly headed blone guy in the first scene of “School Daze”.
Grabbed this breakdown of the film some time ago – I think you can enlarge if on tablet/phone, or open in new window to see larger version.
I think the breakdown at GEVI is a bit confusing – “Tom LeDuc as a college jock who conveniently seduces a fellow student, Rob Schott, and brings him home to Tom’s off-campus dorm only to be spied on and lusted after by his horny stud, roommate, super hung Scott Pryor.” The next paragraph Scott is the rooommate! Rob is the curly blonde, if that helps.
I’ll take a look at the video when I get a chance, but welcome anyone else to ID which (I am pretty certain Dave Henderson does a solo) in the meantime
Tom and
That helps ALLOT, BJ‼ So the curly haired blonde is Rob Schott! Damn!! I’m wondering if he did any other adult films in the 80s or 70s. What an amazing cock too! Thanx 4 getting back with me. You’re a storehouse of info. The pics look great too; can’t wait to enlarge them.
He died in his physical prime, at age 32.