no doubt from the same folks who brought us the magazine called Cock!
no doubt from the same folks who brought us the magazine called Cock!
Mickey Squires, from Bronc magazine, February 1983
Vito Cesari, from COLT’s SPUR #7 (1981); also appeared in (YUM – see below!) COLT SPURS 10: Special Leather Edition (1982) & HONCHO Leather Special #01 (1982), and COLT SPURS #17 (Best of #3) (the last 3 of these seemed to all be the same leather photoshoot – not that I’m complaining!)
He appeared in only one film – COLT’s Hard at Work with Jake Baker (also Jake’s only film)
AKA Pool Piece – (1977) Chuck Samson (who’s also modeled and performed with Roger) and Don Scott (who seems to have only made this one film) – “Chuck fantasizes sex with pool boy Don. Don shows up and they get to the real thing.”
Pool Party on Gay Erotic Video Index
appeared in these magazines: COLT MEN 10, of course, with Butch Barnes; HONCHO Oct 1981, and MANDATE Jan 1985.
and two films: Killer & Butch, and Gunner & Killer
Ron Stevens (AKA Ron Cameron), 1979, Male 4 magazine; who you may know from such films as: Shivaree!, Illegal Entry, and Warehouse Load (with Clay Russell )