Oh My! I haven’t watched this is like forever – nagging wife turns man gay! Just look at the look on Gordon’s face at 2:20 into the film, his wife telling him not to take too long in the Men’s Room! But in all seriousness, once Gordon is sitting on the toilet, puzzling over the graffiti, the camera just loves his face. It’s a nice chance to just enjoy how handsome he is… “make date. make date? hmmm, make date?” It’s nearly 5 minutes in before he unbuttons his shirt… the teasing! the torture! Please note this is only the first scene, so you are teased with Gordon, who then fantasizes about Big Bill Eld whacking off.

This is where I linked to at GEVI back in 2003 – Dirty Words – it has the right ad (black and white) and a correct reference or two, but it does not describe the correct film!
But this is the correct link to Dirty Words listing on GEVI, the first ad shows the correct pic, and the first description is this film, “A car is seen driving around a rural road and a whiny woman’s voice is heard bitching at her husband who is driving. The car pulls up to a rest area and Gordon Grant steps out as the wife’s voice continues bitching at him. He heads inside the rest area and starts jacking off while reading the dirty words and sexual gay graffiti on the walls, and the words lead into the following four loops, finally coming back to Gordon jerking himself to climax.”
this is my even MORE on Gordon Grant post from back in 2003
12 replies on “Dirty Words (pt 1)”
I love Tom DeSimone’s thoughts on Gerald Grant: he was a piece of furniture. No personality, he did what you told him to do, and that was it. No emoting, no expressions. And apparently his agent/lover was a drag queen or transsexual who would accompany him everywhere? Fascinating guy to me regardless, and flawless perfection from head to toe, of course.
Surfing through the net, I’m delighted to learn that so many queers still remember him. It’s all the more remarkable, when you consider that he was only on the porn scene, for about five years (1975-1980), and only made about ten films.
Discovering him, I know I wasn’t the only one who thought he was such a revelation! There’s a reason why he became an icon. He’ll never be forgotten.
Like Michael Christopher, his fans far outnumber his detractors.
So you go right ahead, Casey. Give it your best shot. Words can’t bring him down. : )
For sentimental reasons, he’ll always be my absolute favorite. I’ll concede there are many more porn stars that can perform and act better. And by standard conventions of symmetry, there were many, who were more handsome. But in my humble opinion, no one has come close to matching his dignified macho grandeur, or his proud, exotic mysteriousness.
I think that Gordon Grant was the most majestically virile man, to ever appear in porn. He had a mythic presence. His brutally handsome face and sculptured body, made you imagine that he stepped right out of a painting, by Frank Frazetta or Boris Vallejo.
If he was just furniture, it was fit for a palace! I thought his acting in “Hot Truckin’†was just fine. Jim West, the director of “Dirty Words†said he was a joy to work with. Jim French from Colt said he took direction well.
I have nothing but respect, admiration, and appreciation, for Tom DeSimone, as a DIRECTOR. He truly was a pioneer. It still is a bit disconcerting though, to discover how dismissive he could be about his work, and the performers he directed. Did he think he was just slumming, until he hit the big time? I can’t help thinking; he was a bit of a snob. This from a director, who always worked low budget!
He wasn’t even accurate, about some of the details about Grant’s career. He said he became more versatile and demonstrative, later on. He didn’t realize that “Hot Truckin’â€, was Gordon’s last film. It’s interesting that he chose not to make another film again. How was the experience from his end?
It’s fascinating to discover recently that Bob Damon, one of the co-stars of “Hot Truckin’â€, was sexually involved with Tom DeSimone, when he directed that film. Could his hostility toward Gordon Grant, simply been a case of jealously?
Thanks once again for posting that Bijou Blog interview, BJ!
Casey, I still remember the positive things you said about Gordon Grant, from Atkol Forums. I suspect you’re still a fan. Albeit, not as big a fan as me and BJ. ; )
Oh I still aesthetically love Gerald Grant, but I get what Tom is saying. In my research in both straight and gay porn, I’ve spoken to several directors who have strong feelings about performers who had immense fan popularity. They either didn’t use them or didn’t like working with them because they didn’t bring the directors’ preferred sexual energy or drive to the project. For example, Shaun Costello has said he never wanted to work with Seka or Annette Haven, huuuuuuuuuge stars in the straight world, because they projected as cold, aloof, and had the wrong kind of sexual heat for his projects. He didn’t care how big they were, they weren’t right for him. So I get why Tom is so vocal about Grant’s shortcomings. Also, Bob Damon’s one hell of a better sexual performer than Gerald Grant, so there’s that, too. :)
somebody PLEASE make him stop saying Gerald Grant! PLEASE!
Ugh can you tell I was functioning without coffee??!! And of course I can’t go back to edit my comment, d’oh!! LOL
Wow! Thank you.
Gerald Grant?! Huh?! I take it you’re not talking about Casey Donovan’s aka Calvin Culver, co-star in “Score (1972)”? Did Tom DeSimone work with him too? If that’s who you were talking about, then I guess I owe you an apology. : (
Just kidding. I know you made a mistake. I make them too. : )
I was hoping BJ, that you would have edited my use of the word, “jealously”. I meant to say “jealousy”.
As for you eva___nera (who?), I still look forward to your next comment.
; )
P.S.: Hey Casey, considering that this is BJ’s blog, maybe you should ask him, if it’s okay to post about straight porn. He’s not exactly a fan. (“Ewww!â€)
Back in the day, I used to see quite a bit of it, myself. That was before I learned, where they showed gay porn.
I know where Shaun Costello is coming from, regarding Seka. She always left me kind of cold, as well. Annette Haven on the other hand, was quite beautiful. She looked like Gene Tierney. So I disagree with him there.
We both know that Brian De Palma, originally wanted Haven for “Body Double (1984). But he gave the part to Melanie Griffith. Hey BJ, did you see it? Michael Kearns has a bit part in it, as a straight porn actor. (!)
Actually Casey, you and BJ, share something in common. He mostly likes to talk about gay porn on film. He rarely talks about gay porn on video. You said you only like to watch porn women on film, and not on video.
I kind of see your point. I don’t really care for today’s women porn stars, with their bleached hair, collagen lips, and silicone breasts.
A lot of the women, back in the day were quite lovely: Marilyn Chambers, Tina Russell, Vanessa del Rio, Lisa De Leeuw, Leslie Bovee, Darby Lloyd Rains, Veronica Hart, Hyapatia Lee, Ona Zee, Kelly Nichols, etc.
You also had some older female stars like Georgina Spelvin (is she still alive?), Aunt Peg, and Gloria Leonard, who were very compelling.
BJ probably only knows about Georgina Spelvin and Sharon Kane. : )
When Julianne Moore was doing research for her role in “Boogie Nights (1997)â€, she was struck by how so many, vintage porn actresses were genuinely gifted.
Okay, I pretty stop now, before BJ starts to gag! LOL! ; )
no need to ask about str8 porn – its disgusting, but if its just words, i can handle it – pictures?? NO F#CKING WAY!!!
in all seriousness, does anyone of you – know anything about setting up phpBB? its a bulletin board, and seemed it could be of use to us, expecially since it can be user (not me) initiated topics…. I’ve gotten as far as installing it, and then, boom, haven’t a clue where it is, how to invite members, etc.
maybe there are tutorials right there, and I don’t know how to find them, but its all one big blur!
( I may have my webhosting company move it from that exact URL – to something like https://www.bjland.ws/rambleon.php)
The first time I saw Gordon a Grant, in a NY Post ad for HOT TRUCKIN’, my breath was literally taken away. I was 18 and had never seen such a virile example of manhood out there in the open about his sexuality. He was the deciding factor that convinced me it was ok to be who I was. In many ways, he was both intimidating and inviting. His sheer size, coupled with that disarming smile, was enough to send me into fantasy land…and my first exposure to anything gay occurred when I went to see him in HT at the Adonis in the summer of ‘78. I was smitten…and his mysterious aura and gargantuan sexuality has kept me so over 40 years later. My type has always been the 70’s boy next door…and yet he holds a fascination for me beyond all others. Jeff Stryker? Jack Wrangler? Ken Ryker? All technically better looking…and all pale next to this god. The very fact that he was wooden in performances was a turn on…it was if having gay sex was no big deal, just an everyday occurrence he happily engaged in whenever the opportunity presented itself. His life is shrouded mainly in mystery…but he definitely deserves to be researched and eulogized in a bio. Among the few things I found out: beyond supposedly living with a transsexual companion, he favored boy next door types too…and would often be seen in SF sex clubs, circa ‘75-‘80, engaging in light S&M with them. He last days were spent away from it all on a small ranch in Arizona. Sigh.
I don’t think those 3 you named were ‘technically better-looking’ than Grant, although I think some others are. The Jeff Stryker phenomenon was always mystifying–his face looked like a slack Marlon Brando imitation, but he made a fortune, had mansions in Missouri (his home state and Muholland Drive — I think, there was an excellent ‘tour’ of porn stars, straight and gay, in The New Yorker mid-to-late 90s, and then he was in Naked Boys Singing off-Broadway for awhile.)
He’s not quite my ideal, but I can definitely appreciate the qualities you and Obsessed so worship. Looks very Western, maybe even a touch of Native American?
Nice to hear somebody else talking about the Adonis and having been there. I’m sure I saw HT there too. Saw many of these films BJ puts up there. I started going in 1976 and it was still very clean in 1978 and a few more years, maybe to 1980, but then was allowed to deteriorate.
Wow, BJ!
You should really feel honored and flattered, that quite a number of viewers, comment on your different posts, retroactively. Yes, indeed. Your blog is that wonderful! The topics that you bring up really do seem timeless.
So many great posts; so little time to comment! How can you handle, so much love and appreciation? I know that you’re influencing, quite a number of outside blogs, as well. : )
Hello RJ!
I don’t know if you’re new to Bjland, but regardless, WELCOME! BJ meet RJ! : )
Anyone who’s a fan of His Majesty, Gordon Grant, is definitely a friend of mine! It’s always fun, to encounter a kindred spirit!
As I told the scholarly Casey Scott above, I know I’m not the only one who thought discovering G.G., was such a revelation! You and I, RJ, aren’t the only ones whose breath was stolen from this living statue!
I’ve surfed through the internet. What a delight, to discover that I’m not alone, in the same reaction!
(Did you hear that, Casey Scott? Eat your heart out! Where the hell are you? You comment, way too seldom! Your opinions need to be heard; even if we don’t always agree!) : )
I always believe in putting topics into their proper context.
I know young kids today, viewing G.G. now; probably won’t have the same kind reaction and resonance – that guys of my and RJ’s generation, did. They may be impressed, but I doubt that they’ll be overwhelmed.
You really needed to have lived through the 70’s, and earlier periods; to appreciate how powerful it was, to see a guy like him, in all-male porn! You didn’t see icons like him in straight porn either, let alone, gay porn!
Back then, every media representation of homosexuality; was so relentlessly negative and depressing! For proof, you can check out “The Celluloid Closet (1981)†written by Vito Russo.
I’ll admit I was overly sensitive when I was young. I internalize a lot of those negative views, and pretty much believed that all homosexuals were weak and effeminate. : (
My self- hate and guilt were such that I could not even conceive; that any queer, could ever be as aggressively virile, as either Gordon Grant or Ledermeister. Only straight men could look like that. : /
Before my discovery, if you’d said gay men like those two, could actually exist; I would have thought you were crazy! (?) (“Gay, proud, macho, and dignified – get out of here!â€)
Let me be clear. I still say that porn stars aren’t heroes or role models. But viewing such beautiful beasts like G.G., Ledermeister, Bruno, Fred Halsted, Dakota, among others, was indeed, empowering!
It’s so much different now! With the internet and gay porn becoming international; viewing macho, muscle men, doesn’t seem like such an anomaly. There’s such a variety! But I’m still on the lookout – Alpha Hunter! : )
I have to agree with you, Parisian. The three examples that RJ listed as being better looking than G.G., were pretty weak. Especially when there are so many to pick from!
Purely on an aesthetic level, Tom Brock, Ryan Kilgore, Rex Chandler, Paddy O’Brian, Lex Baldwin, Bill Henson, Steve Hammond, Robert Balint, Mike Branson, Pavel Novotny, Bruce Craig, Anthony LaFont, etc. were all gorgeous enough, to be fashion models!
I have to state upfront, that Jeff Stryker was one of my least favorite porn stars. : /
But that’s for another place and time. : )
Actually Parisian, I always thought Stryker had quite a resemblance to singer, Phil Everly; the younger of the two Everly Brothers. He died on January 3, 2014. Don Everly was two years older.
Now Ken Ryker, I do like. I’ll admit though, he was pretty self-conscious and stiff, as a performer. The exceptions were the two times he worked with Jake Andrews!
I always give masculine porn stars, a lot of leeway. Macho goes a long way with me!
I never noticed this before, but after reading an opinion on The Data Lounge; I also concur that Ken Ryker, did have a passing resemblance to actor, Sterling Hayden.
Both of them were tall, with a long torso. They also had similar eyes. Hayden was of course, a stunning blond. Ryker looked great as a blond, but he was actually, a light brunet. In the high school shower, they called Ken, the “fire hoseâ€. : )
Jack Wrangler really was in a class of his own. I can’t really compare him to anyone else. He really raised the bar. It’s no mystery why both BJ and I, love him. Both he and G.G. were Porn Divos!
I would say Ryker was a star, but not a divo. : )
I agree with you RJ, G.G.’s life was indeed shrouded mainly in mystery. I wouldn’t hold my breath though, for someone to write his bio. The author would have to filter so much fact from fiction!
Who knows what to believe? He never gave any interviews. All information about him is reported in third person. So many accounts differ from one another. His weight, height, and age, seem to differ in every report.
So many people online claim to have seen him in person – it’s almost like Elvis sightings! Others claim they’ve seen him in different jobs – security guard, UPS delivery, metal collector.
Jim French was known to stretch the truth. He claimed G.G. was half Irish and half Cherokee.
I tend to believe that he was actually half Dutch and Nez Perce Indian. That tribe mostly settled in the Pacific Northwest.
If that was his ancestry, if would make sense that early in his life, he worked on the Trans-Alaska Pipeline, according to some reports.
The surname Bowman evolved from the Dutch name Bouman. I really think that Don Bowman was his real name. But then again, I don’t have absolute proof. : (
Porn director, Jim West, said that he may have served in Viet Nam, as a Marine. I want to believe that’s true. He does have that military bearing. : 0
There are reports that he died from A.I.D.S.in the ‘90s. But is that official? : (
So make of that, what you will. : )
My favorite films of his are the Colt loops. But hardcore fans probably won’t appreciate them, because they’re not really explicit – basically soft core.
But he shows such a warmer range than he did in his subsequent, later films! He smiles more and kisses – romantic! Plus photographed outdoors, he never looked as stunningly, breathtaking!
In these three loops, he doesn’t seem wooden at all!
I think he’s gorgeous! But I know that his hard, chiseled looks aren’t going to appeal to everyone – definitely not a pretty boy! His square jaw line is amazing – like it was made out of iron!
If someone was to even dare sock him in the jaw, the hitter’s hand would probably suffer more damage, than G.G.’s face! LOL! : )
Thanks for your comments, RJ! Hello to you too, stuart!
Until next time, BJ and Parisian! Thanks to both of you as well!
; )