"vintage" porn stars

Mr. Brooks (is a cocksucker)

John Trent, Mike Davis, Al Parker, and Paul Brooks

12 replies on “Mr. Brooks (is a cocksucker)”

thanks. I wonder what he would look like today. The picture of him and Al Parker in their flannel shirts is so hot. Two masculine handsome guys. Sigh

wish I had better (larger) version of these, from Gallery #16 (1977 – the last of the Gallery series)

Thanks! Yet another great picture, from the nasty and raunchy magazine, Cock! LOL! Don’t you just love to address that flagrant title?! How I miss owning this! : (

Surge Studio published a number of these glossy, picture magazines. They’re so elaborately produced, that they’re practically movies. : P

As I’ve said before, there’s nothing wrong with raunch, as long as it conveys some genuine sensuality. Porn without it can become so cold and clinical. (Not to mention gross!)

I love how these three studs, surround Paul Brooks. They’re like a pack of wolves, turning on one of its own – so animalistic! I also love the way; Brooks arches his back – very professional! : P

Isn’t Paul Brooks fantastic?! Why didn’t he make any movies?! In his color photos, you’ll notice that he has golden brown hair, sun freckles on his back, and pink nipples nice! I’m usually not partial to bearded guys, but Brooks has that sexy satyr look, that Steve Taylor also had. No wonder Al Parker used him.

Let me mention a word about John Trent aka Joe Braggs. I don’t think he’s ever looked as attractive, as he does in this magazine. He looks thinner and younger, and his hair is lighter. I wonder if it was bleached by the sun. This picture below doesn’t really do him full justice. But it’s the best that I got:

When I first bought this magazine, I didn’t recognize him. I thought it was someone else, completely new. It wasn’t until I read his name, that I made the full connection.

Of course, the greedy and gluttonous, Al Parker, fucks him!

That Al Parker was such a lucky horn-dog! A real superstar – just recall all his satellites! ; )

Bravo BJ! Bravo! Wow, you figured out how to enlarge this photo! I saved it in 1280.jpg. But it kept on reverting back to 400.jpg. I was going to tell you to scroll over the image, right click, and then click on the menu item, “Open image in new tab”. But I guess you already knew that. Silly me!

In case you didn’t know, a number of Tumblr porn sites, have been partially archived on Tumbex. Let me emphasize the word, “partially”. I don’t think any of them are complete. Hey, it may not perfect, as before, but at least, it’s something. : I

I use the address “tumbex vintage gay porn” on Google. You then get a number of choices to explore. I’m convinced that nothing will keep us queers, from our porn! LOL!

The only thing that could make this photo any hotter would be if it was in color! : P

Is Paul Brooks, the greatest piece of ass, or what?! Look at the texture of his skin, the sun-freckles on his back, his tan-line. It’s no wonder; Al Parker can’t wait to dig in! : )

Let me repeat. Why didn’t he make any movies?! I want to fuck him so bad, it hurts! LOL!

Whew, let me cool down. LOL! Thanks! ; )

(May 14, 2020 at 1:18 AM)

“If you find more Paul Brooks, alert me …”

I only aim to please. : )

Per your previous request, here’s another picture of him servicing Rick Jensen – notice the cock ring. Once again, it’s from the Surge publication, “Factory Services”. Thank you Buck Naked – Retro Studs!

It’s curious that Buck often exempts certain images, from an extensive photo-shoot publication, that he’s featured before. He then compiles that picture with others, on a separate post, under a different theme name, without identifying it.

I have to say, I find this frustrating – too much work for discovery!

This vivid close-up of Paul Brooks was posted on his site, under the theme titled, “Giving Head”. It’s dated July 30, 2017.

For the sake of the conversation, could you please try to concentrate on his face, and not on the fact, that his mouth is full? LOL! : )

Wow, Paul Brooks is a genuinely handsome, young man! You usually find this type of bursting ripe, sensual handsomeness, from the European models. Like the ones from Kristen Bjorn.

I’ve already mentioned his golden brown hair and skin texture. But just look at his coloring, the shape of his eyebrows, his high cheekbones, his heavy eyelids, his light-colored long lashes – My, oh my!

I know I sound like a scratched record, but why oh why, didn’t he do film?! : (

Was he under exclusive contract with Surge Studios? Did Al Parker have something to do with this? : /

It seems like such wasted opportunity! He’s so sensual and uninhibited – a bona fide natural!

Oh well…

; )

thanks! I didn’t recall “Factory Services” – but alas, that’s why I have a decent sized PC with lots of storage and my ability to search for images…. while I understand you wanting the pics to get labeled with models, source, date, etc… sometimes you want to do a post that has no outside context, just the image itself…. and you know me, I don’t like to include any sort of text on a photo, and will crop if it will make it look better…. so for CREATING, I get why retrostuds has his own style…. but I also try to remember to at least do a “title tag” – so that if you scroll over the image, you get some info (I think on mobile devices you hae to actually click on the image for this to work)

I must’ve nabbed a bunch of pics from RetroStuds last spring – but the cover I’ve had since 2016 –

on the question of doing movies or only stills – I have seen models that rarely look good in stills, and rarely look good in movies… so if it was a conscious choice, makes sense to me there are many reasons to do one or the other – and performance in front of a camera can be daunting (I’ve heard!) – a still with a cock in your mouth might work, but maybe you make funny noises or faces in real action??? just theories…

Thank you so much for this, BJ honey!

Yet, another great close-up of Paul Brooks! He was a looker!

This time, take note of his smooth, high forehead! I need to know what his empty mouth, looks like. LOL!

There has to be a glamour shot of him, where he looks right into the camera, without any “distractions”.

You know I’m a face guy, above everything else!

Whether he’s would be a bad performer or not, I still would love to see him on film – it’s definitely worth the risk!

I kind of doubt he would be disappointing. He appears so spontaneous and natural – born for porn! : )

But you’re right. One can’t be absolutely sure. : (

I’ve had my disappointments, with such visually stunning examples as Lex Baldwin and Rex Chandler! : /

; )

So I guess ‘friend’ is Rick Jensen. Brooks is handsome, but Jensen’s Prick is luscious, one of the kinds I adore sucking. I like both the cropped picture (which I’d choose if I had only one choice–it’s beautiful) and the one from the mag because that’s such a cool title and takes us back. Do either of you know the ‘story’ in ‘Factory Service’, i.e., what kind of place they’ve used, etc.?

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