from the Fox Studios magazine Lethal Meat, 1979 – Tex Murdock & Tony Regalia – who you may also have seen in the film Hot Beach
from the Fox Studios magazine Lethal Meat, 1979 – Tex Murdock & Tony Regalia – who you may also have seen in the film Hot Beach
7 replies on “lethal meat”
But HAS anyone actually seen Muscle Beach?
Does this film exist?
I’m gonna assume yes; as it was advertised – but it may never have made it passed the 8MM format. (sometimes those wind up on weird compilation tapes with no credit)
Oops – I meant Hot Beach.
This porn publication, used to be one of my prized, collection items! I so lament, having to give it away! : (
(I hope these links work! Most you can enlarge!)
Every single photo was hot! Beginning with the cover – hardcore butch! : P
“Hot Beach (1979)” is one of my porn, holy grails! If only I live long enough, to finally see it! But as you’ve mentioned, it’s never been released on video or DVD! Go figure! : (
There must be a bootlegged copy of this loop, on film! Someone, has to have it! Has anyone reading your website, actually seen it?! If so, SPEAK UP! : )
I wonder if bodybuilder Rick Poston aka Tony Regalia, paid off John Coletti from Fox Studio?
It’s probably a stretch, to imagine Tex Murdock and Regalia, were actual lovers. Regalia did get married to a woman. More likely, they were just bodybuilding buddies; who may have had mutual, sexual experiences, on occasion.
They could probably justify it, as just an extension of their physical work-outs; to relax and relieve tension. Believe me, I’ve heard it all! LOL! : )
I suspect it was the same kind of dynamic, which happened with Jim Cassidy and Dakota.
Like them, these two bull-studs, looked great together! As I’ve said before, I’m an “Alpha Hunter”; an Androphile! I’m all about seeing macho, muscle men enjoying each other, in all-male porn!
*SIGH* Tex Murdock in particular, was such a dreamboat – those eyes, dimples, mouth, and cleft chin! In this picture below, you can at least see, Regalia’s dick – nice!
Does “Lethal Meat”, showcase what’s actually in “Hot Beach”; like other porn, movie magazines do – Falcon, Colt, Nova, Catalina, Target, etc.? Or were they produced separately? Inquiring minds, want to know! : )
How far do these two, actually go? We know that Tony goes a little farther here, than he did with Big Max, in their Colt images. In your post, you see Tex contemplating, Tony’s dick – teasing!
Here below, Tex actually holds it in his hand – getting warmer! Does he eventually, “dig in”?
This picture below is sizzling! Is this just a casual massage? Or is Tony actually rubbing against Tex, in full body contact – frottage! Are they both naked? Tex really seems to enjoy it! : P
It could be that all they do in “Hot Beach (1979)”; is jack-off together.
Click on the second, picture box icon; beneath the first one, located at the top, right corner. The middle square has Tony mounting Tex, at crotch level. Not exactly scorching, but still sexy!
I’m guessing that Tony Regalia; is a lot more inhibited, than Tex Murdock. Tex probably did all the “work”, in this loop.
Let’s not forget, that Tex sucked and bottomed for Tom LeDuc, in “Leather Bound (1981)” – mutual! They both delivered – bless them!
: 0
Can’t say I’m all that interested; in seeing Murdock’s other porn loop, “Cowboy’s Dream (1983)”, from Sunblazer Studio. He doesn’t look his best, and the loop is a solo. ZZZzzz…
So in the meantime, I’ll put all my money and hope, in finally seeing “Hot Beach”! Hey, one can dream, can’t one? What we know about it is so titillating, and mouth-watering! : 0
As I’ve said before, may gorgeous, macho muscle men; reign supreme, in all-male porn! And may they also, be uninhibited – EUREKA! WE ALL NEED RELIEF! HAPPY ENDINGS FOR ALL! LOL! : )
Ah, BJ! So many great posts! So little time! : (
; )
The music that Patrick Cowley did for School Daze and Muscle Up was previously unheard by anyone but him and whoever he shared it with, he sent a lot of this music from his vault to John Coletti who used it in those two films, sometimes speeding it up or slowing it down to fit the vibe of the scene. John found the reel to reel tapes in a storage unit around ten years ago I think, which was what led Dark Entries to remaster and officially release those two albums.
But the Cowley compilation called Afternooners was apparently new music that Patrick made especially for Fox Studio in 1982, theyear he died, while also working on his final solo album Mind Warp. The first nine songs, anyway:
And one of these tracks is called Hot Beach, which is heard in the film Afternooners:
If you look at the track listing for the Afternooners album you see that Cowley took the names of all the scenes from that film and made them song titles: The Runner, One Hot Afternoon and Cycle Tuff. As well as one song Cowley called Leather Bound which is very similar to Leather Bond, the scene that gevi says may have been confused for Hot Beach.
Dunno what any of this means but you inspired me to dig into what I know about Cowley’s porn music and latch onto your comment. Not sure if gevi is right about Cowley also doing music for Intruders as what I’ve heard in the 1988 re-release (with oily Keith Dyson filmed on videotape interrupting all the gorgeous scenes that were originally shot on film) doesn’t sound like his work at all. Curiouser and curiouser.
John Coletti talking about contacting Patrick Cowley and using his music while standing in his storage unit in 2014, if anyone might find this interesting: