"vintage" porn stars


cops, previously

7 replies on “cops”

#4 – I still stand by my previous statement, that the cop in this picture with Leo Ford is Julian Adams.

Actually, if you look very closely, you’ll discover that #1 and #7 is the same guy, with different cop helmets. Notice the same build, mouth, round pecs, dimpled chin, brown nipples, and most importantly, shaved bush pattern.

He usually went by the name Brutus. His Colt name is Hot Cop. When he posed for Fox Studio, he used the name, Vito Milan. During 1979, he posed in the Paean: Pander #1 magazine issue, where he’s laying in a bath tub, using the generic name, Vincent. He looks younger and hairier. He obviously shaves. So many aliases and disguises!

He actually was on the cover of Drummer Magazine, twice. You’re right to mention the 1984 issue, #70.

In August 1992, he also was on the cover for #157 issue:

He looks so butch and handsome. I’m not into S & M, but I actually rented the three 1993 videos, which he did for Palm Drive Video:

This one that he did with Donnie Russo was directed by Jack Fritscher:

As you can see, he’s become quite an obsession with me. I thank the former, Atkol Forums (how I miss them!) and GEVI, for helping me connect the dots.

Morally and intellectually, I disapprove of trade performers. But with porn, you can’t be politically correct. The big head can’t tell the little head, what to think. Alas, I enjoy Brutus, the same way I enjoy Barry Hoffman, Paul Barresi, Mike Marino, Steve Sprague, and Tico Patterson, among others. ; )

Good Lord, the ATKOL forums! I really miss those, and they weren’t even archived, I don’t think, so one can’t go back to revisit the many Q&A posts with actual performers and directors (and, ahem, David Forest, what a con man), or the WEHT posts with helpful information, or just reminiscing with fellow fans of the genre/industry. Not even FB has any groups I’m aware of that encourage that kind of discussion among connoisseurs, historians, and die-hard fans of male vintage erotica like you saw on ATKOL…. RIP

hmmmmm… I just don’t know – but finally found the original magazine SPREAD ‘EM – the Leo Ford and Cop came from, and comparing to cover model (Julian Adams) from Santa Monica Boulevard, I just don’t see it!

Trade performers? Get over yourself queen. These guys were all portraying a fantasy, image, etc. and many were escorts or hustlers, and yes they were all bisexual or gay.

The one porn guy in this blog post is Clint Lockner he sadly died from HIV/AIDS. The official biography of him is made up, he was never a cop or LEO for that long, the dates between graduating highschool early or dropping out, any supposed military service not once but twice, and then becoming a cop or trooper do not add up at all, but he made it all up. Most bi and gay cops especially back then were super discreet and did not do anything with porn, hustling, etc.

Casey Scott! Welcome back! I missed you like crazy! Leave it to BJ, to bring us back together! : )

The last time you posted here, was way too long ago, and not enough. It’s thanks to this wonderful blog that I figured out who you were, and what you look like. Don’t worry! I’m not stalking you. I followed you on other blogs, because I want to hear what you have to say about porn and movies. Like BJ here, I value your opinion, whether we agree or not. : )

I tell you BJ honey, this Casey is a scholar! He shames us both, put together! His knowledge about vintage and current porn is vast, beyond measure. Not to mention, his knowledge about films, also old and new. He’s the one to set you straight, about Greta Garbo. LOL!

Atkol Forums really was incredible, wasn’t it? It truly was so sad, when the generous owner died – the end of an era. I so regret, not joining it sooner, but what did I know? Bjland actually predated it, for me. So at least I had it back then, and now. I joined Atkol in 2011.

I have to wax philosophically about its demise, because everything good, eventually comes to an end. I mean, look at what happened to Tumblr! Not to brag, but I got pretty good about posting pictures from Tumblr. It was endlessly fun, because one had so many sources, to then gather pictures from. I had so many ideas and themes, to share with my fellow followers, then Boom! it ended!

With Tumblr gone, I didn’t really see a reason to join Lifeboat, though I still follow it. More power to them. It’s just not the same. : (

Everyone was so nice on Atkol, generally. There really weren’t any trolls or bitches, like what you find on The Datalounge.

I also follow ‘scrapple’, on other blogs. I’m sure you’re familiar with him. Maybe he posts here, under a different name, like I did. I can only hope. I miss so many followers from Atkol. I had my group of favorites. You and scrapple were included.

You could imagine my delight, in seeing your name in the Recent Comments section – so many and recent! Like me, you’re never at a loss for words. I just wish, I could write as easily as you.

Not to be morbid, but I hope that Woody has bequeathed GEVI to someone, after he passes on. We can’t lose all that information, like we did with Atkol! Just goes to show you, you can’t take anything for granted! It was BJ, who introduced me to that wonderful site.

As you can see, I still haven’t broken my habit of babbling on. LOL!

R.I.P. to both Atkol Forums and Tumblr. : (

Not to worry, we still have bjland!

I hope you stick around Casey. Don’t be a stranger! Look forward to your next post. Like I do with BJ!

Yours truly,


Hey there, I’m flattered you remember me! LOL I was eva_nera on ATKOL. It’s so weird that it’s been archived at all… And yes, I hope GEVI is safely archived somewhere! I use it as a resource daily and send Woody e-mails as often as I can to submit corrections and additions. I’ve asked him to credit me by name when he adds things, though he seems resistant to do that. Thank you so much for the kind words!! Glad to be back talking classic gay porn with people who know this stuff inside and out (no pun intended). :) xo

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