"vintage" porn stars

troy anything once

Troy, if I remember correctly, who always worked solo, appeared in just a few videos between 1985-87. I’m guessing these stills are from Sgt. Swann’s Private Files (which, amazingly, was re-released on DVD as a 20-th anniversary special edition – huh!). Troy is seen lifting weights in his half-shirt (wish I had the half-shirt pic!), strips, and takes a break on one of the benches. He got the “star treatment” for one video – Try Anything Once (1987) – meaning box cover, and his voice-over looped together the others who performed non-solo. Co-incidence that Nick Fabrini was in all 3 of Troy’s movies? (yes, probably).

OMG! i do have the half-shirt pic! What would I do without this access to this lovely site!

4 replies on “troy anything once”

So, so so clever you are! The title of this post made me laugh out loud.

I’ve worshipped this guy since I was a teenager. And I love the half-shirt pic! He did 4 solo scenes in “Try Anything…” and that’s still not enough of his furry man flesh for me.

Now, what’s the deal with Fabrini? Do we not like him? I see him as the poor man’s Barressi. I always thought he was a pretty hot daddy. Is it that he’s G4P also?

Love it all! Thanks!

Oh yeah. That could very well be. Honestly, I don’t remember. But I feel like that was such a common problem back then that I may have been willing to forgive on a case by case basis.

While we don’t see that problem much at all today, I think there is an equivalent issue, which is guys who look amazing in promotional stills, but then you see them perform and suddenly you’re less impressed. Whatever the reason. I guess porn is far from perfect, right? Still, I love it.

Troy performed only solo because his boyfriend, local San Diego producer and x-entrepreneur Rick Ford, wouldn’t allow him to appear with another model. Troy was solely for Mr. Ford’s own enjoyment. :)

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