Trying to highlight other porn blogs, and while I prefer vintage stuff, more importantly I prefer blogs and websites with minimal advertising – at least for those I recommend. You can’t get much better than Joe Gage’s – it’s a wonderful mix of internet found naughty pics, pop culture, and of course, peaks into his own work – for example these lovely pics I hope he doesn’t mind me posting from, yes, I’m 5 years behind, American Bukkake: Business Edition (2015) – the highlight is the insatiable redhead (or is that redbeard?) Brock Rustin; but don’t forget a great warm up from Justin Beal.
And tell him BJ sent you!

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Last night I saw on OutTV “That Man: Peter Berlin”, the 2005 biography by director Jim (or John) Tushinski. A great documentary on this man’s somewhat charmed and curious life. Jack Wrangler, Armistead Maupin, Wakefield Poole and John Waters share their thoughts and memories of him. I believe he is still alive.
Apparently, his films made lots of money, but his business partners scammed him out of most of it. When the film maker asks him about this, he simply shrugs his shoulders. He was quite the exhibitionist and made cruising a performance art. He made his own form-fitting pants. Although many adored him, he was in a lifelong search for the illusive man who would turn him on the way others were turned on by him. You have two posts about him (November 30, 2011 and August 21, 2018) and there are lots of images of him on the internet, but maybe you can find some time to locate some other images that us mortals would not be able to find.
Cheers, Tom
comment unrelated to the post????? arrrrgggghhh!!!
I do recall seeing the doc back when it came out, in the theater. interesting, but I wasn’t too impressed with him – but think about it, only 2 full length films ( and i love them both), and yet managed to parlay that into years and years of magazine covers, etc.
I saw it too, thought it was exotic but had never seen what the fuss was either, except he was an early proponent of how to wear your Prick in pants, and talks about it in the movie.
Saw him walking around the W. Village a lot in the early 70s. Probably the white pants. Most 70s homosexuals wore tight jeans, regular blue or especially (then) light-blue to show off basket.
Maybe Warhol’s fulsome praise helped him along. I can’t remember from the doc what else he was up to. My haircutter, whose shop was then in the basement of my building at the time, had him as a client, which he constantly boasted about. Even by then we weren’t seeing him here on the streets. Don’t remember when he relocated to San Francisco.
Peter Berlin is the ultimate and complete narcissist. Peter is not my type but I know bisexual and gay men who find him very sexy. There’s an interview where he was out all night cruising and then he saw his perfect man and it was Peter himself in a storefront window reflected in the glass. In the Butt magazine interview he talks about smoking crack so I hope he got sober.
Joe Gage/Tim Kincaid’s blog is alright I find his new porn boring though and he completely stole the plot for the film about fishing with Allen Silver in it from a gay and bisexual erotic fiction writer, and ripped him off.
My friend Darragh Park, a descendant of the painterly realist Fairfield Porter, and once literary executor for the New York School poet James Schuyler had a long term coast-to-coast telephone friendship with the Czech Peter Burian (Peter Berlin), a long lamentation of ageing.
Fairfield Porter was bisexual but there is a book by Justin Spring about this regional Maine artist.