what’s better than a man wearing nothing other than boots? a man with balls like this guy!
Dick Trask, Joey Yale – Abducted magazine, published 1977
while distracted once again (trying to find this really hot pic of Donnie Russo – he’s hard, naked, wearing boots and has another pair of boots with the laces tied around his package as a cockring – hot!) – anyway, while trying to find that pic, I found that I have been saving pics, renaming them with “boot” in the filename so as to be able to find a bunch of boot pics in case I ever have the need for that. So that is why you are seeing this great photo of John Trent from Mandate back in 1980 – John, you you remember from Turned on! – and perhaps some more boots in the days to come.
poking around my hard drive, looking at old auction files – I don’t remember why, I must’ve been looking for something to post, and three hours later stumbled upon this ridiculous image of a VHS cassette – what the f is FLAMIN’ ASS? (don’t answer that) – the funny part is, I don’t even see a corresponding HTML auction file for it, so perhaps it got tossed without any effort to sell – then again, maybe it sat in a box for a few years, and got tossed, or sold, then. Anyway, all this to introduce random images from other actual auctions from 2005 – enjoy.
(and then I went down another rabbit hole trying to figure out which film that last image below is from…sheesh!)
goshdarnit! Did i sell my largebox VHS copy of Trick Time? A Joey Yale/Fred Halsted film from 1984 – the sex isn’t what I remember, but the interviews – with Johnny Dawes, Michael Christopher – both adorable; and a brief one with Tim Kramer (kindof an idiot, if I remember correctly). Rats! Actually, I think Jon King and Johnny Dawes are pretty hot – except for the overly “styled” hair-dos! (“hairstyles by Raymond”, listed right on the box!). I even recently scanned the large box – rats! looking at the scan date, that was over 5 years ago….
yeah, but wait – so checking my files, I sold one tape back in 2001, with the awful Tim Kramer smallbox artwork (see below); then again in 2007, with a heavier, VCA/HIS boxless cassette. So, maybe last time I did an inventory, I left out the (I hope) largebox COSCO version? And maybe it’s in one of those 42 boxes of VHS down in the dungeon basement?
Le Motard
“Starring: Pascal Philippe, Patrick Lecache, Jean Francois, Franck Dominique, Christophe, William, Alain
due to having several auctions cancelled in the past, I don’t want to describe this video much, except to say
quality-wise: some tracking problems, and the color is a bit off (that slight greenishness)….. contentwise: its a bit arty….sometimes no sound, some parking garage encounters, but pretty cool, actually, if you like something a bit different than your average porn film…”
HA! I found this pic, and eBay auction file notes from 2001, while poking around the ol hard drive – I am confident the cover model was NOT in the video – there are more than a couple of you who know who this COLT model is…. right?