"vintage" porn stars boots

boots n (porn) stars

balls boots

boots n balls

what’s better than a man wearing nothing other than boots? a man with balls like this guy!

"vintage" porn stars

Dick and Joey

Dick Trask, Joey Yale – Abducted magazine, published 1977

"vintage" porn stars


while distracted once again (trying to find this really hot pic of Donnie Russo – he’s hard, naked, wearing boots and has another pair of boots with the laces tied around his package as a cockring – hot!) – anyway, while trying to find that pic, I found that I have been saving pics, renaming them with “boot” in the filename so as to be able to find a bunch of boot pics in case I ever have the need for that. So that is why you are seeing this great photo of John Trent from Mandate back in 1980 – John, you you remember from Turned on! – and perhaps some more boots in the days to come.


flamin’ ass?

poking around my hard drive, looking at old auction files – I don’t remember why, I must’ve been looking for something to post, and three hours later stumbled upon this ridiculous image of a VHS cassette – what the f is FLAMIN’ ASS? (don’t answer that) – the funny part is, I don’t even see a corresponding HTML auction file for it, so perhaps it got tossed without any effort to sell – then again, maybe it sat in a box for a few years, and got tossed, or sold, then. Anyway, all this to introduce random images from other actual auctions from 2005 – enjoy.

(and then I went down another rabbit hole trying to figure out which film that last image below is from…sheesh!)

"vintage" porn stars VHS cover art

trick time

goshdarnit! Did i sell my largebox VHS copy of Trick Time? A Joey Yale/Fred Halsted film from 1984 – the sex isn’t what I remember, but the interviews – with Johnny Dawes, Michael Christopher – both adorable; and a brief one with Tim Kramer (kindof an idiot, if I remember correctly). Rats! Actually, I think Jon King and Johnny Dawes are pretty hot – except for the overly “styled” hair-dos! (“hairstyles by Raymond”, listed right on the box!). I even recently scanned the large box – rats! looking at the scan date, that was over 5 years ago….

yeah, but wait – so checking my files, I sold one tape back in 2001, with the awful Tim Kramer smallbox artwork (see below); then again in 2007, with a heavier, VCA/HIS boxless cassette. So, maybe last time I did an inventory, I left out the (I hope) largebox COSCO version? And maybe it’s in one of those 42 boxes of VHS down in the dungeon basement?

"vintage" porn stars eBay auctions

Le Motard

M.V.C. presente:

Le Motard

“Starring: Pascal Philippe, Patrick Lecache, Jean Francois, Franck Dominique, Christophe, William, Alain

due to having several auctions cancelled in the past, I don’t want to describe this video much, except to say

quality-wise: some tracking problems, and the color is a bit off (that slight greenishness)….. contentwise: its a bit arty….sometimes no sound, some parking garage encounters, but pretty cool, actually, if you like something a bit different than your average porn film…”

HA! I found this pic, and eBay auction file notes from 2001, while poking around the ol hard drive – I am confident the cover model was NOT in the video – there are more than a couple of you who know who this COLT model is…. right?