was asked a bazillion years ago about posting this so enjoy! from director Joe Gage (duh!) – no actor/model credits, but of the 19 guys, you can see – J.D. Warshaw (who you should recognize from 501 ), Daniel Holt, Joe Gage (allegedly, although I personally haven;t yet spotted him), Richard West, and Tom Law. The intro uses the same music and sound effects from the first Closed Set, but then it sounds like a boombox in the room playing random music. The last 20 minutes tries to recreate the last scene from the original – not possible to be that hot, but it’s alright. What do you think?
anyone want to add to the cast listing, (or the musical soundtrack!) comment below or email me, please! (like the redhead from In the Name of Leather – what’s his name?)
16 replies on “Joe Gage – Closed Set II”
On your Joe Gage director page you i.d. the redhead as Gerry Condit, I don’t see any other credits for him on gevi or elsewhere (that name is not to be confused with Gary Condit, former congressman from California) (but I guess ya never know…)
The disco-ish song that starts at around 4:20 is Don’t Stop Your Love by Booker T, look it up on youtube to confirm. And of course at 20:40 that’s I Love A Rainy Night by Eddie Rabbitt. I also heard Looking Out My Back Door by CCR somewhere in there. I have a sugestion for the other songs, use Shazam or something like that and see if it comes back with a match for the rest of the music.
Lots of big cocks, leather, cockrings, looks like it was a fun party.
EXCELLENT! – but I don’t have time for Shazam……that’s what I have readers for! just teasing….not sure why I never thought of that when I’ve been rattling my brains trying to figure out music on porno soundtracks…. another itme on the “to do” list! Gerry Condit! yeah! and I was jusst thinking how Closed Set II seemed to have a lot of faces/cocks familiar from 501 – makes sense he’d also use from “In The Name Of Leather”! and re-previewing thi movie for the post,it looked much hotter than I had remembered!
Glad to help i.d. a few of the songs, if I get a chance to watch the whole thing I’ll see if there are others I can solve. I’ve never used shazam but as far as why you hadn’t thought to use it before, it’s probably because that app is relatively new — and you (and I, and some others) taught ourselves to figure out what songs were playing “the old fashioned way” before shazam existed. Like, scanning our brains and our record collections, asking friends, etc.
The music that plays in gay porn has fascinated me for a long time, I can’t hear the wonderful Art Of Noise song Moments In Love without picturing Dave Connors having hot sex with Jason Hill in the back of his van as it goes through the car wash in One In A Billion (hope director Al Parker didn’t get sued for that!). Or the genius music by Patrick Cowley in the Fox Studio releases. It’s like Madonna said, music makes the people come (cum!) together…
But yeah, the part of the clip above that I watched was very hot and made me plump up. And it makes sense that Joe mixed and matched scenes and/or the guys who were in them when making these films.
I remember hearing ‘Love Is In the Air’ for the first time in a poolside scene, but don’t remember the movie. Thought it was very effective and made the sex have a happy, lighthearted quality. Also loved the old 40s ‘Moonlight Serenade’ in ‘A Night at the Adonis’.
Love Is In the Air is used in the poolside sex scene from Tom DeSimone’s The Idol!
Parisian, couldn’t reply to you, I guess you can only nest so many comments. I don’t know what film Love Is In The Air might have been in but that’s exactly why it interests me so much, because well-known or popular music adds a quality to the porn experience, and in my case tends to make it more memorable.
I have a spreadsheet with various songs from films, for Night At The Adonis I have three songs confirmed: Down Down Down by Sylvester (from about 7:20 to 8:15 in the copy I have); Two Hot For Love by THP is the long disco song that plays from about 40:40 to 56 minutes; and then Sing Sing Sing by Benny Goodman towards the end (73:40 to 79:00). There are other songs but without having used shazam or any apps like that I have never known all the song titles or artists, just the ones I’ve managed to figure out. It’s a fun hobby (if you’re nerdy and hot for vintage gay porn that is, as I am) and it interests me when it’s the vintage films, not just somebody jacking off in their car while Beyonce plays on the radio kind of thing. And I know BJ has mentioned that he recognizes the added quality usic can bring to some of these films also, like A Night At Halsted’s which he’s done posts about here before.
Oh yeah, another of my favorites is when Michael Christopher’s brother and friend are jacking off in the bathroom in Doing It, you get to hear both The Cars and Olivia Newton-John! Doubt the music labels were too happy with that but the era when directors could get away with it and not have to seek permission or dodge DCMA notices seems quaint now, since the primary use has changed from the dingy theatres with cum splattered on the seats and floor to people’s homes.
Pretty sure ‘Moonlight Serenade’, maybe the Glenn Miller original, was the song all about ‘the glam-uh’ as Jack and the others made their way around the 2nd floor table which they now had turned into a bar with drinks on it (and where I fucked and sucked many a time on the rug behind it. LOVED that theater.) I think that was Saint-Saens Organ Concerto with Bill (Eld) Young as Narcissus in ‘Adam and Yves’.
The 2 films with Toby on the ‘Best of Colt’ Series have very effective music. ‘Bruno’s World’ and ‘Chute’ are in the series. I have them both, and both are wonderful. Surely these are re-mastered (or whatever you call it) after the original loops, but somebody did a fine job with both of these–the first builds to a not-too-obvious climax (there had been two ‘pieces’ in the Bruno one), at its best when Toby is jacking voluptuously in his light-blue shirt and white jeans, and there’s a luxuriant score for the Parker one. I’m sure they had no music when released, and you can even see ‘Chute’ online (poor quality) with some cheap-sounding (and different) music and the action sped up. You might know the story of this sort of thing, and of course, there are 5 or 6 movies on each ‘Best of Colt’, all of which have music. But I think they have to have been superposed on the visual film, but in these two cases I couldn’t believe how professional the scoring was, someone really had a gift for doing this. Originally, I used to see these 8mm loops at old shops with booths of them with no sound.
Had to be a labour of love (and it sounds like it too) to do this, because since it must have been done decades after the original releases as 8mm, there’s no crediting at all for the music in any of these Best of Colt collections.
(think I fixed the “nesting” thing – in my troubled days of trying to fix that issue weeks ago, i reset the # allowed before finding out it was the old template not working with whatever technical garbidly gook they explained to me).
wait! what? a SPREAD SHEET!!??? ahhhhhh, to hear the ways us fanatics organize our lives!!!
Your post from years ago about A Night at Halsted’s where you listed all the songs featured in that film was what inspired me to start noting down the songs I heard in what I was watching. See, it’s all your fault you perv ;)
And no big deal on the nesting, I wondered what you did to fix that. The new blog is so much roomier esp. on desktop where I’ve always checked you out, I like it.
thanks for the feedback on the blog – always tweaking, so any more feedback is appreciated!
OK I was able to identify most of the songs though there are a few gaps, so anybody who can shazam these unknown songs at the times noted could help complete the list! And away we go:
* unknown song #1 (1:30 – 4:15)
* Booker T – Don’t Stop Your Love (4:15 – 17:58)
* unknown song #2 (17:58 – 20:40)
* Eddie Rabbitt – I Love A Rainy Night (20:40 – 23:26)
* CCR – Looking Out My Back Door (23:26 – 24:47)
* Moe Bandy & Becky Hobbs – Let’s Get Over Them Together (24:47 – 27:24)
* Charly McClain & Mickey Gilley – Paradise Tonight (27:24 – 30:14)
* T.G. Sheppard – Slow Burn (30:14 – 33:16)
* Lee Greenwood – Somebody’s Gonna Love You (33:16 – 36:25)
* Shelly West – Jose Cuervo (36:25 – 38:58)
* ad for something called Delwood (38:58 – 39:52)
* Charly McClain – Who’s Cheatin’ Who (39:52 – 41:54)
* Johnny Rodriguez – How Could I Love Her So Much (41:54 – 44:35)
* Gordon Lightfoot – Sundown (44:35 – 47:44)
* Mickey Gilley – Here Comes The Hurt Again (47:44 – 50:18)
* Moe Bandy & Joe Stampley – Holdin’ The Bag (50:18 – 52:38)
* Bellamy Brothers – When I’m Away From You (52:38 – 57:28)
* Gatlin Brothers – Houston Means I’m One Day Closer To You (57:28 – 1:00:14)
* unknown song #3 (1:00:14 – 1:03:10)
* unknown song #4 (1:03:10 – 1:14:25)
A guy I watched a lot of porn with listened to that style of 70s/80s country a lot, which is what most of this was. Though with a few rock or soft rock songs thrown in. I think the long unknown song #4 is somebody like Joe Satriani, Mannheim Steamroller, Weather Report or some kind of jazz fusion or jazz-rock but as there are no words I couldn’t place it.
Also, if one of the uncredited guys really was Joe himself I have a theory as to which one he was – in the last 20 minutes where the blond furry soloflex stud with the rock hard prick is the center of attention, one guy shows up to his side and you never see his face, he’s wearing a blue t-shirt and grey sweatpant shorts (and shoots a very impressive load at the tail end) and it looks like he may be disappearing from the shot to go stand behind the camera, tinkering with the angles and then coming back out to the scene The other two standing guys you can see their faces but blue shirt keeps ducking his head out of the way. Maybe?
amazing work, thanks! and now I have to go and look for Joe!
Sure, I knew that I wouldn’t be able to get the instrumental songs unless they were really well known, hopefully somebody else will. I feel like I should have gotten the song that plays from 17:58 to 20:40, it’s a female country singer but I can’t figure out what the heck she’s singing lol. All I want is a dime and a beer? Sorta sounds like that. Anyway because of my exciting Saturday night all alone project I now have another entry for my spreadsheet, so thanks.
Favor? I’m wondering if you’ve ever seen Night Beat, or have any info about it. PM Productions, made sometime in the mid 70s from the looks of it, gevi page here:
I read something about this, my first thought was here but I don’t see anything about it when I search your site. What I read was that it was filmed in Denver, and I’d like to see it if for no other reason that to see where they filmed it, if there were any shots of the city or the gay businesses that are/were in town.
NIGHT BEAT – actually, it does appear on my website, but a little seen page on PM Productions –
(something that I am attempting to update, and do better links To and FROM) the description I have there is no doubt from the Bijou video catalogue
I checked the Bijou Video website, and no luck – that is the only place I can think would have it – other than the chance of finding it on eBay. ….but if i find anything else out…
You do have some info about Night Beat, that’s great (when I searched those two words in your search box nothing relevant came up) and from what you wrote on the PM director page it appears that part of the movie was filmed in NYC, the rest in Denver. Maybe the final, missing reel was shot at one of the Denver baths? There was one called the Ballpark that I only saw the inside of once, it closed shortly thereafter but it had two, maybe three floors and a big waterfall that landed in a small pool near the dance floor on the first floor, it looked interesting and I’m sure a lot of guys had a lot of fun there. Also the tagline from the image on gevi, “from the baths to the bushes” led me to think it could have some scenes of Cheesman Park, once notorious for the action amongst the trees in and surrounding the park itself. Maybe one of your readers has seen it or knows where a copy could be viewed online, if I ever find out more about it I’ll let you know. Thanks beej.
Anyway, back to the film. I remember having it on take many, many years ago and giving it away shortly after obtaining it. Why? It’s a good attempt (and it’s got Daniel Holt!) but it simply pales in comparison to the original and best. Still, it was interesting to get reaquainted ☺ï¸