poking around my hard drive, looking at old auction files – I don’t remember why, I must’ve been looking for something to post, and three hours later stumbled upon this ridiculous image of a VHS cassette – what the f is FLAMIN’ ASS? (don’t answer that) – the funny part is, I don’t even see a corresponding HTML auction file for it, so perhaps it got tossed without any effort to sell – then again, maybe it sat in a box for a few years, and got tossed, or sold, then. Anyway, all this to introduce random images from other actual auctions from 2005 – enjoy.
(and then I went down another rabbit hole trying to figure out which film that last image below is from…sheesh!)

3 replies on “flamin’ ass?”
That last photo is ghastly. Dildo-sucking is so idiotic. Love the phrase ‘Flamin’ Ass’, though, and want my tongue up one I’m thinking of right now.
ha! well, yeah, i agree, sucking on a big pile of plastic doesn’t sound, or look, that great…. but I do think Chris looks good in the photo
“Eric Manchester + ?”
It’s from Newport Video’s Down For The Count (1987), scene 6 with Eric and a guy credited as Joe Fuller:
Woody at Gevi lumps him in with the Joe Fuller who was an Old Reliable model sometime around 1980, this guy:
But I’m not so sure they’re one in the same, seems more likely it was a different Joe using that name later.