"vintage" porn stars VHS cover art

trick time

goshdarnit! Did i sell my largebox VHS copy of Trick Time? A Joey Yale/Fred Halsted film from 1984 – the sex isn’t what I remember, but the interviews – with Johnny Dawes, Michael Christopher – both adorable; and a brief one with Tim Kramer (kindof an idiot, if I remember correctly). Rats! Actually, I think Jon King and Johnny Dawes are pretty hot – except for the overly “styled” hair-dos! (“hairstyles by Raymond”, listed right on the box!). I even recently scanned the large box – rats! looking at the scan date, that was over 5 years ago….

yeah, but wait – so checking my files, I sold one tape back in 2001, with the awful Tim Kramer smallbox artwork (see below); then again in 2007, with a heavier, VCA/HIS boxless cassette. So, maybe last time I did an inventory, I left out the (I hope) largebox COSCO version? And maybe it’s in one of those 42 boxes of VHS down in the dungeon basement?

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