Month: December 2019

“I hate you, I hate this house, I hate Christmas!”
Holiday tradition to re-run this post – Xmas 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2013, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, and gosh from 2003!! – but c’mon, it’s DIVINE, ferchrissakes! So, I hope you all enjoy this clip I snagged a couple zillion years back from kweer.com’s FEMALE TROUBLE pages.

more detective work – while trying to do a post of Duff Paxton, I got distracted as it was hard to find decent pictures of him, but came across a pairing of him with a guy named Steve(n) King (who you may remember from the Billie’s Bar-B-Que scene in El Paso Wrecking Corp., )- but I digress – which brought me to several Men of Action magazines, some in my pic archives, some over at retrostuds , which also included Dan Pace (but not credited as such) and this pairing of “Jerry Peters and Mike Leber” above – which I had seen in my own image collection, but didn’t look closely enough, until I saw more pics over at retrostuds where Kurt’s (Mike) tattoo and face were very clear! (see below)
and that is why sometimes a simple pic posting can distract me for hours or days (and the “draft” folder at wordpress gets fuller and fuller)

ho ho ho ho ho (rerun edition)


probably Colt; surely someone recognizes that cock! (and no shaming if it’s obvious, like I posted the guy only a week ago!)
director: Tom DeSimone (1979)
Starring: Guy De Silva, Rufus, Guy Lance, Derrick Stanton, Steve Event, Lenny Koto, Bill Leonard, Dick Miller, Johnny Ryan, and introducing Johnny Dawes (as B.J.)
director: Lancer Brooks (1980?)
In and out of jail, in and out of trouble, and in and out of each other’s pants; the Bad Bad Boys are up to no good, and no good is what it’s all about.
Johnny Dawes’ (as B.J.) film debut, in a “sadistic”(they force each other to have sex) street gang, the Red Devils. B.J. is new to the gang, and must be initiated. Starring Guy De Silva, Rufus, Guy Lance, Derrick Stanton, Steve Event, Lenny Koto, Bill Leonard, and Dick Miller (as the leader of the gang).
previously: drinking on a tuesday night? ugh
previously: what’s wrong with this picture??
previously: Watch Out. The BAD BAD BOYS are coming
previously: Theo Vaness’s I’m A Bad Bad Boy, which of course is the theme music to the film!