Arch Brown directors

man’s country google hole

it started as a search for more Man’s Image photos on eBay…. hours later, having stumbled upon a magazine called Man’s Country, those pics also looked interesting, so I had to download them, this one included, and it looked familiar, so I had to figure out where it came from….. 2 days later – something something Arch Brown seems about right… sometime (hours? days?) later, I figured it out – The Night Before (1974)!

of course, if I really wanted to go down a rabbit hole, I could try to figure out who the woman in the poster is!

4 replies on “man’s country google hole”

I didn’t even realize it was a poster in the background, I thought that woman was walking in the door and about to get an eyeful of all the naked guys. As for who it is, my first thought was Rhoda/Valerie Harper but upon further inspection I don’t think that’s right.

I too noticed your blog was down for a few days, glad you’ve gotten it back up and running. The only thing that looks different to me is now all the comments are in chronological order, whereas you used to have the ability to reply to any of the existing messages by clicking the ‘reply’ button beneath the comment, and I don’t see that now. The only thing that does is it makes some of the chain responses harder to follow, but that’s a minor issue and could be resolved by having someone say, for example, “hey Parisian up at #2, I wanted to say…”

Hi Zephyr- yes, I’ve seen WordPress blogs that have ‘Reply’ options, and the one I’m thinking of differs from the one B.J. uses, which I think is considerably better. In the other one, the replies could not always be seen as such, but the host said he could fix it (he didn’t really, it would work for only the first few replies somehow.) I hope B.J. can configure those back if the upgrade allows it. It was so good for all the reasons–to start slightly new text or to reply in very obvious way to someone. We could still manage, but the flow was good that way.

“Hey Parisian up at #2” lol, I used you as an example when I made my earlier comment because I’m so used to seeing your name as another commenter here, you’re definitely one of the regulars. And the comments you leave are usually quite interesting, plus the few times we’ve talked directly through this space I’ve enjoyed those conversations. Yes, I was used to the old way this blog was set up also, and if you did reply to a specific message it would indent the response below the parent question, which made reading posts with many comments a bit easier. I’d wager that the benefits for BJ in upgrading outweigh any of the minor trivialities like this though, security updates or ease of use from the blogger’s end, etc. so however he configures it some of us diehards will keep coming (and coming, lol) back for more.

Thank you, zephyr, I enjoy you too–and what a lovely name. I have always been a highly ambitious and avid whore, which continues to this day of my eternal adolescence, much to the consternation of others, but B.J. keeps this a sweet place, and is very tolerant. I read him as far back as 2002, long before he had comments–so this is quite an achievement, keeping it fresh like this.

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