Target Studios


3 replies on “Barry”

WEHT (what ever happened to) Barry Hoffmann? I know he was bisexual, spent time in jail, and lived with author James Leo Herlihy for awhile and was the inspiration for the character Joe Buck in the novel midnight cowboy, is he still alive?

Hey BJ, this might get a little convoluted, but bear with me.

Let me start with my observation, that there are a number of similarities between Barry Hoffman, and Paul Barresi. But we’ll discuss that later.

Despite finding Barry Hoffman endlessly fascinating, there are a number of reasons why, I could never warm up to him. He’s the epitome of white trash, rough trade – pure narcissism and selfishness.

On film at least, he never reciprocates, or shows any desire or affection, for any of his screen partners.

He basically just uses them, to service him, as his personal “bitch”. For example, I’ll admit his most famous loop, “Hayride (1976)”, is pretty hot. But I would have enjoyed it even more, had he treated his partner, with some tenderness. Such an exquisite creature as Bob Bishop deserves no less!

Barry also has a mean streak. In some AMG films and photos, he’s downright abusive. During the ‘80’s, he made of number of spanking films for AMG – not my cup of tea.

One AMG photo, I found of him on Tumbler, was particularly disturbing. I wish I could find it. I posted it on my Atkol Forums thread, a few years ago. It has him fucking a younger model, while that smaller man, winces in pain. : /

In print however, there are a few, rare images of him, where he’s actually more demonstrative, than he ever was on film. They’re few and far between, but they do exist – believe it or not. He shares this same parallel, with Paul Barresi.

I’ve already discussed the Colt picture of him being kissed by a dark haired guy, and the two Target pictures, which show him nuzzling the chest of Clay Russell.

There are also two more proactive stills, from Target Studios that I’ve seen. They’re included in the 1975 publication, “Javelin #1”. Two black and white pictures show Barry making body contact with a younger model, indoors. One color one, shows him posed with the same model, in an outdoor beach setting.

You may or may not have heard of Dennis Johnson.

He was a hot little stud-muffin, back in the days when stud-muffins were rare. Despite a bad haircut and dye job, he still was cute as a button – such a poker face! He did a considerable amount of print work. In fact, you actually posted a picture of him by default.

(Scroll down to the third row. He’s on the right.)

He’s made three porn loops that I’m aware of.

One solo – “Dennis (1975)”:

One duo – “USMC vs USN (1976)”:

(As you can see from this trailer sample, he’s actually a light brunet.)

One trio – “Room Service (1976)”:

Get a load of this picture from Javelin #1. In your wildest dreams, could you ever imagine, Barry actually holding another dude’s hand? (!) Thank you Buck Naked!

There’s another black and white picture, from this same photoset. In the same setting, Barry and Dennis are standing next to each other, while Barry has his arm around Dennis’ waist – believe it or not!

There’s also a color photo of them together, posed against a beach, sand hill. Dennis is on the top of the hill, while Barry is situated below him, on the bottom. I’ve seen all three of these Javelin #1 pictures before, on Tumblr. I wish I could have included them all in my Atkol Forum thread. But I discovered them after the fact.

These pictures naturally had me intrigued. At first, I kind of wished this would have been filmed, as a Daddy/Son combination – “Intergenerational is Sensational!” But then I remembered how Barry, treated his other screen partners, so I changed my mind.

Like Paul Barresi, Barry was willing to be more demonstrative in print, than he ever was on film. On screen, both of them were selfish pricks – strictly trade. Like Hoffman, Barresi also had a mean streak. Both of them came along during the golden age of macho porn. Both of them stunningly handsome, macho, and compelling – both posed for Colt and Target.

Both of them also, were of questionable moral character – a high sleaze factor. Barry Hoffman admitted to spending some time in prison. I’m sure that a number of people would have wanted to put Barresi in jail as well, not just John Travolta.

Personally, I would have given Paul the preference nod, but just barely. At times, his occasional print work was actually, quite moving. I still wouldn’t trust him, as far as I could throw him. I’ll concede though, that Barry made more films that were hot.

As for Dennis Johnson, in my opinion, he was the first stud-muffin in all-male porn – what muscles! I’m sure though, that some viewers might dispute that. They might point to either Steve Boyd or Greg Kolb, as more deserving of that title. All three of them were hotties! ; )

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