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the other white meat (Steve Packard edition)

so, the next question, did he model for COLT, or Target? (or both?)

7 replies on “the other white meat (Steve Packard edition)”

The series of photos starts on page 58 of an unknown magazine where ‘Steve Packard’ is modeling under the name ‘Joe Cadman’ and is credited to a photographer named ‘Harry Hudson.’ He looks a bit younger and trimmer than in his Target photos.

Gay Erotic Archives says ‘Steve Packard’ used the aliases ‘Brad Dillon’ for Nova and ‘Dusty’ (in a Janus Studios mag named ‘Dusty.’) (No mention of ‘Joe Cadman.’) I believe that the ‘Steve Packard’ in Colt is identical to ‘Brad Dillon’ and ‘Dusty’ and is a different person than the Target ‘Steve Packard’ and ‘Joe Cadman.’ The Colt former has a mustache, is heavily tatooed and smooth. The Target latter is bearded, has no tatoos, and is hirsute.

Just call me ‘Philip Marlowe.’

Honestly BJ! I don’t mean to be pissy, but sometimes you really do drive my patience! If you read my earlier responses THOROUGHLY posted below, you wouldn’t have asked the question. Put on your reading glasses! Steve Packard #1 posed for BOTH Target and Colt. The picture with Mike Davis, should have given you a clue. Davis never posed for Target.

(Start with Comment #2) : )

Thanks for the two pictures with Steve Packard #1, in his underwear. Where do you find these photos?

Love ya! Mean it! ; )

I don’t think is the Steve Packard who was also known as Dusty for Colt or his real name Brad Dillon. He has an eagle tattoo on his right shoulder and does not have a hairy chest.

I don’t think this is the same Steve Packard who was Dusty for Colt. This guy looks nothing like him, Steve is smooth, this guy is not.

sometimes they need “approval” if it is not a known comment email or IP address – so they wait for me to crawl down into the basement and look at my website…. sorry for the delay!

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