"vintage" porn stars Paul Barresi

bear23 (barresi)

I know, I know, I should get a better quality pic of this, but this is all I have.

3 replies on “bear23 (barresi)”


I think this was Mr. Barresi’s last photo shoot.

Anyone have any recent news about him?

Of course he’s still alive, and he isn’t THAT old yet (76). He’s been working as a P.I. for Hollywood elites since at least the 2000s, but may have dabbled in the work as early as the 90s. He was most recently caught up in the Depp/Heard messy breakup and shit-flinging (literally, apparently lol) saga. He published a book about it called “Johnny Depp’s Accidental Fixer” that surprisingly got rave reviews for being gripping and truly an inside look. I’ve heard Barresi talk, read his word-for-word interviews before, and -gawd- read his scripts and he never was eloquent with a pen. The quality of his porn dialogue is more unintentionally hilarious than remotely resembling quality but perhaps he dictated to someone, IDK.

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