"vintage" porn stars directors Joe Gage pornoclips

Red Ball Express

Red Ball Express

Director: Mac Larson (Joe Gage) (1982) 57 minutes running time

(this scene: Roy Garrett and Bob Shane)

Starring: Mickey Squires, Jayson MacBride, Jeff Stone, Roy Garrett, Daniel Holt, Bob Shane, Wayne Stephens; plus the RED BALL CREW: Bill Anawatt, Marty Jesus, Daye Simon, Terry Hunt, Hal Brighan, Tristan Carson, Paul Stapleton, John Sammartino, Gerry Condit, Kyle Grayzel

Wolf, played by beefy, bearded Mickey Squires, delivers moonshine from Arkansas. His boss, O’Bannion (Jayson MacBride), guides Wolf on his deliveries by CB radio, where his sexual hints make Wolf anxious to meet him in Chicago.

You might need a willing suspension of disbelief for this film – ignore that Mickey is driving what appears to be a Gremlin, not a truck; Roy and Bob are firemen outfitted in construction helmets; the facade of the firehouse looks awfully like the one on 3rd street in Manhattan; the inside of the firehouse looks an awful lot like my tenement apartment on 15th street in the 80’s…… but, but…. Roy and Bob ARE hot – watch through to the end! (I had forgotten how well Bob Shane …well, you’ll see)

3 replies on “Red Ball Express”

DEFINITELY one of my fave JG films. The shot of Mickey and Jason at the end chatting whilst sucking dicks is a total classic!

sounds like I need to take a re-look at Red Ball Express – it’s been awhile! Mickey is a fave of mine.

I love this film! The relationship between Wolf and O’Bannion is a highlight. Do anyone know what happened to Jayson Macbride? He was great in quite a few films! He portrayed a wide range of characters.

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