"vintage" porn stars

Jim Cassidy

Jim Cassidy, (guy in striped shirt) who you may remember from such early 1970’s films as Desires of the Devil, California Supermen, The Specimen, Lodestar, Waterbed and The Light from the Second Story Window – can’t recall where these pics came from, and have no idea who is gobbling up Jim’s cock.

"vintage" porn stars

Dick Trask

Dick Trask (AKA B. Dick, Kent Banning) who you may remember from such films as: Erotic Hands, The Specimen, Sextool, and Where Joey Lives; many of his films were shorts for COLT Studios : Waterways, Pool Service, The Swingers, The Posing Strap, Sweathogs, Oasis, Look What I Got.

edit/update: these pics below are NOT Dick Trask, but MIKE DRUMM – Zeus model

edit/update: the 2 pics above are NOT Dick Trask, but Zeus model MIKE DRUMM

I could’ve just deleted, but figured showing a correction was better


balls and chains

I know nothing about this photo, except it’s lovely

"vintage" porn stars Al Parker

aka Buck Stevens

from a magazine called PIT STOP

"vintage" porn stars Palm Drive Video

Karatekock Warrior

Karatekock Warrior (1988)

I’ve been holding on to this VHS tape for nearly 13 years – bought it like many others, with the idea for re-sale, but something told me to hang on to it. Mostly because I could find NOTHING – N-O-T-H-I-N-G – online about it, and every few years would do some more online research to find not much has changed – until a few months back I stumbled on this from Jack Fritscher“Looking through my viewfinder, I saw what Erich von Stroheim saw in Norma Desmond descending the staircase in Sunset Boulevard: the proto-plasm of a living ghost. He was a sweet man, but his sex appeal had died. His videos for both Old Reliable and Palm Drive sold, literally, zero copies.” – oh shit! and it didn’t even hit me how rough this assessment was, I was sooooooo excited to have the 1 of zero copies out there!

I had previously sold “Sex My Father Taught Me” and “Dave Gold’s Gym Workout” – both also from Palm Drive Video….. and, then last month I started wondering what the biggee is with Instagram (I still don’t know) and checked it out, and found that a documentary on porn studio Palm Drive Video is in the works!!!! – more details at the link, including a donation page (even a few bucks helps – I just donated!) and I hope to do a proper post about that soon, and now, writing this, I am going down the rabbit hole trying to figure out how many of those Palm Drive Video have I actually seen – is Tom Caserta of palm Drive the same who did a couple for Surge Studios? Did I sell 9-Inch Pec Stud for my friend Larry, back when I had no room on my hard drive to save eBay html and video files? So many questions, so little time.

more later.

Meanwhile, head over to RAW! UNCUT! VIDEO!o – check out the trailer, donate a few bucks, and I promise to dig out that much better box cover art they sent me for Jason Steele’s “Sex My Father Taught Me” (AKA Uncut Tit Animal).

"vintage" porn stars birthday

happy birthday, george

George Payne (who you may remember from such films as The Back Row, Centurians of Rome, Four Letters, Kiss Today Goodbye, Superstars, Men Come First , and one of my all-time favorites co-starring Jack Wrangler, Navy Blue) is having a birthday today (February 7, 1939?? – hard to believe he was in his 30’s for The Back Row)! Happy Happy, George.

George Payne on BJLAND

"vintage" porn stars

barry’s face

from Colt’s Gallery, Issue No. 11 (1975)

more Barry Hoffman