"vintage" porn stars Palm Drive Video

Karatekock Warrior

Karatekock Warrior (1988)

I’ve been holding on to this VHS tape for nearly 13 years – bought it like many others, with the idea for re-sale, but something told me to hang on to it. Mostly because I could find NOTHING – N-O-T-H-I-N-G – online about it, and every few years would do some more online research to find not much has changed – until a few months back I stumbled on this from Jack Fritscher“Looking through my viewfinder, I saw what Erich von Stroheim saw in Norma Desmond descending the staircase in Sunset Boulevard: the proto-plasm of a living ghost. He was a sweet man, but his sex appeal had died. His videos for both Old Reliable and Palm Drive sold, literally, zero copies.” – oh shit! and it didn’t even hit me how rough this assessment was, I was sooooooo excited to have the 1 of zero copies out there!

I had previously sold “Sex My Father Taught Me” and “Dave Gold’s Gym Workout” – both also from Palm Drive Video….. and, then last month I started wondering what the biggee is with Instagram (I still don’t know) and checked it out, and found that a documentary on porn studio Palm Drive Video is in the works!!!! – more details at the link, including a donation page (even a few bucks helps – I just donated!) and I hope to do a proper post about that soon, and now, writing this, I am going down the rabbit hole trying to figure out how many of those Palm Drive Video have I actually seen – is Tom Caserta of palm Drive the same who did a couple for Surge Studios? Did I sell 9-Inch Pec Stud for my friend Larry, back when I had no room on my hard drive to save eBay html and video files? So many questions, so little time.

more later.

Meanwhile, head over to RAW! UNCUT! VIDEO!o – check out the trailer, donate a few bucks, and I promise to dig out that much better box cover art they sent me for Jason Steele’s “Sex My Father Taught Me” (AKA Uncut Tit Animal).

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