"vintage" porn stars in the name of leather

Wade Nichols

6 replies on “Wade Nichols”

Wade a.k.a. Dennis Parker, who was one of only a few porn actors to successfully transition to non-porn success. He was on The Edge Of Night during the early 80s as the police chief. And he also had an album with a few dance/disco hits in the late 70s produced by his then-boyfriend Jacques Morali, like New York By Night (which can be heard in one scene of Boots & Saddles). It’s a small world after all.

He was a damn good actor too. It’s a shame he didn’t make a few more gay porns before switching to straight videos. His deep sexy voice made him of my favorites of the filmed porn era.

Hey BJ, honey. : )

I’m rather surprised this is the only post you have, about Wade Nichols aka Dennis Parker.

Doing research, I stumbled across this, just today. It’s pretty exhausting, but still very fascinating!

Other than Nichols, the only other gay porn star who found mainstream success, was Arnaldo Santana aka Malo.

I’m sure most viewers didn’t know about Joe Dallesandro’s porn loop, until after the advent of the internet.

You and your readers, no doubt, will appreciate this. Read it when you have time.

As I said, it is LONG, but worth it! So many questions answered!

Apparently, it was posted on 6-25-17. I had no idea!

; )

great link – but in my “defense” i have

this post – such a pretty city (2001)

and this post – New York By Night (Such A Pretty City) (2003)

and this post – BOY-NAPPED! (2006)

but seriously, those are just tidbits – your link to The Rialto Report’s Wade Nichols: A Galaxy of Pleasure and Pain – is an extensive, researched piece on him. Rialto does a lot of good deep dives into 70’s porn, usually straight, sometimes the few who’ve done gay and str8 like George Payne ( I believe they have several on him….)

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