"vintage" porn stars pornoclips

more Max (Montoya)

who you may remember from such films as Modern Men, Modern Toys; Outpost; Dock 9; Private Pool Party; Max Makes It Big!; Rod’s Raiders; S.F. Packing Co.; Black Magic, White Heat; Stud Search; Uncut Fever 1 & 2 and of course, one of my all time favorites, Gayracula. Some have questioned if the actor/model “Max Cooper” in the film is actually Max Montoya – see below in the video clip (sorry, he’s only in the first few seconds, laying down) and a pic from a magazine called Night Lust. That would make Gayracula his first porn appearance, in 1983.

fuller videography here: Max Montoya

7 replies on “more Max (Montoya)”

Thanks for these! Max was always one of my favorites, sort of a South American version of Richard Locke–happy generous Everyman persona, but with a huge gorgeous uncut cock that he clearly liked to share. Loved him in all those Adam & Company videos. Their “Private Pool Party” is one of my all-time favorite fuck flicks.

Seems hard to find many pix of him. I’ve always wondered why he’s not better known today, or better represented on all those Tumblr sites.

And when I tried searching again this week, mostly it was your posted pix of him that showed up. Don’t ever doubt that you are doing god’s work here.

Awesome! I just love Max and his sexy mustache. Especially when it was the full horseshoe shape. I don’t know what else to call it.

His dick was pretty great too, obviously.

Steve Colo (aka Max Montoya) was my next door neighbor years ago when I lived in Studio City on a small street (Landale) not far from Lankershim Blvd. and Universal Studios. He was one of the most sexual people I have ever met. He wore it like Dr. Strange’s cloak. It was just there, and it was constant. These very the years even prior to his embarkation as the Max Montoya porn character. His bedroom was directly across a small driveway from our kitchen window and his personal sexual escapades made for many hours of simply standing at the kitchen sink while watching him do his thing through his open, bare bedroom window. I once asked him if he ever knew that we were indeed watching, and he responded that he was. Unfortunately, I really wished at the time that I had never posed the question, as it was so much more prurient, sexual and exciting to believe that he had no clue that he was feeding directly into my/our voyeuristic fantasies. Through the years I had often wondered what may have become of him. However, information concerning his career and what became of him or what in the world he might be up to now, is so surprisingly absent from the blogs or web sites I have checked for up to date information concerning his well-being and/or otherwise. Although I have to cut these comments short at the moment, now that I’ve started I almost feel compelled to return to share additional, personal anecdotes as apply to (platonic) time spent together, quips he may have made and the photo shoot that I had with him as the subject during the time I had ambitions towards hopes of becoming a professional photographer. I know that I have a slew of B&W negatives of him stored with other photographs somewhere within my house, but the idea of perhaps tracking them down seems insurmountable at the moment, but we shall see.

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