"vintage" porn stars

Scott O’Hara

Scott O’Hara, who you may remember from such films as: California Blue, Hard Pressed , Slaves for Sale 2 , Joys of Self Abuse, The Other Side of Aspen , Sgt. Swann’s Private Files, Below The Belt, Sighs, Head Over Heels and a personal favorite, Oversize Load amongst others – wrote a great autobiography, Autopornography: A Memoir of Life in the Lust Lane. Two other books are authored by him: Do-It-Yourself Piston Polishing for Non-Mechanics, and Rarely Pure and Never Simple: Selected Essays of Scott O’Hara – and wasn’t he behind the publication STEAM A Quarterly Journal for Men?

"vintage" porn stars pornoclips

more Max (Montoya)

who you may remember from such films as Modern Men, Modern Toys; Outpost; Dock 9; Private Pool Party; Max Makes It Big!; Rod’s Raiders; S.F. Packing Co.; Black Magic, White Heat; Stud Search; Uncut Fever 1 & 2 and of course, one of my all time favorites, Gayracula. Some have questioned if the actor/model “Max Cooper” in the film is actually Max Montoya – see below in the video clip (sorry, he’s only in the first few seconds, laying down) and a pic from a magazine called Night Lust. That would make Gayracula his first porn appearance, in 1983.

fuller videography here: Max Montoya

"vintage" porn stars print porn models Target Studios

males usa

This Target model, Reb, appears to have done his modeling work around 1974, appeared in one Target magazine, JAVELIN #1, another called Males USA (a Jean Daniel Cadinot publication, possibly using the same photos from Javelin 1, as it looks like all Jon Target photos) and a photo set. and then, bizarrely, on the video box cover of a film he didn’t appear in (not that it’s uncommon, I”m looking at you, Bijou Video) – and it’s a HUGE pet peeve of mine!

"vintage" porn stars

Jeff Hitchcock

Jeff Hitchcock, who you may remember from such films as Spittin’ Image , and well, that’s apparently it! Just the one solo film, contained in two collections, Fistsfull and The Jock – here’s the GEVI info on Spittin’ Image


Happy V Day

"vintage" porn stars

scott taylor

Target Studios

nice javelin

Javelin Target Studios no 1 1975 rare gay magazine vintage