Month: December 2017

Sam Dekker
Mr. Rutter

HONCHO, February 1982

Jon King & Brad Mason
this must be photo shoot only, as I only see them in the movies together, Hotel Hell and Hot Off The Press – but in neither of them are they in the same scene.
Greg Dale
Never a big fan of Greg Dale (AKA Greg Arnold in NOVA FILMS, etc), but I must admit this photo grabbed my attention. Appeared in such films as The Idol, Rear Deliveries, Turned On!, L.A. Tool & Die, A Perfect Fit ( OK, the zipper bathing suit was hot!), The Class of ’84, Part 2, Skin Flix and of course, A Night at Halsted’s (amongst a bunch of others)

Keith Anthoni and Ken Brown
The Motorcyclist and the Harvard Man
(where’s that video link??? – oh yeah – Reel Two )
ahhh, Ken Brown (the Harvard Man), only in three films? The Classified Caper, Duffy’s Tavern, and of course, with Keith, in El Paso Wrecking Corp