Paul Barresi

Falconhead II (Baressi)

another example of “should not have sold” or at least “taken better quality scan”

6 replies on “Falconhead II (Baressi)”

I previously referred to this Paul subject in my last post.

Wow, I’m surprised I’m the only one commenting. Barresi’s posts usually fill up pretty quickly.

Let me say from the outset, that I wasn’t a fan of either “Falconhead (1972)” or “Falconhead 2: The Maneaters (1984)”. I found both films boring and pretentious; not the least bit erotic. ZZZzzz…

I’d be hard-pressed to remember anything from them. I remember Steve Collins being tied up in Saran Wrap; and Barresi decked out in this falcon costume, but that’s it. : I

I know I’m overly critical; but I hate when a premise seems promising, but then peter out.

Minus the bird-brain mask / helmet, I actually think Barresi looks pretty sexy in this outfit! We already know from his leather photos, that black is his color.

Has he ever been in better, physical shape? Check out his forearms, chest, legs, thighs, and hips – hot!

I wish there was a picture without the mask. He had one of the best faces in porn. Why cover it up? You can see his eyes peering out, parallel with the beak. He almost looks like a dark, inverted unicorn.

His costume was obviously modeled on Darth Vader. You recall that his voice is electronically amplified, so it sounds like James Earl Jones.

I actually love when macho guys, assume an aggressive stance. The classic pose is like this one – fists resting on the hips, like Superman or Astro Boy.

The other pose, is crossing the arms in front of the chest, like a Roman soldier. Paul has done that too – sexy!

He looks rather grand here, wearing straps and a cape –majestic! His costume also reminds me that epic, homoerotic film; “300 (2006)” starring the delicious, Gerard Butler!

This picture could have been high camp, as opposed to merely kitsch.
: (

I’m a hardcore queer, so of course I love opera, pageantry, peplum, ritual, color, costumes, Hollywood, theater, porn!

No surprise that I was an excellent altar boy!


Isn’t America a melting-pot?

I’ve always used slang, foreign words and phrases, from ALL over – black, gay, Irish, Spanish, Italian, etc.! You name it! No offense intended.

I like using my rusty, pathetic French, when addressing you, Parisian. I never did become fluent, despite taking years of it, in high school and college. : (

I think it adds spice to the fun conversation – a verbal gumbo or masala!

None of my Jewish friends were EVER offended, when I use such Yiddish words like schlep, mashugana, tuchus, or yenta. In fact, they were very amused! : )

However, if it bothers you; I’m more than willing to now use “mercy” instead of “oy”, whenever I’m exasperated. I never want to make anyone, feel uncomfortable. : )

I never lose sight of the fact that this is a communal blog, belonging to BJ. I’m honored and appreciate, that I’m allowed to respond and post here. It definitely is a privilege! : )

I always am a “nice”, proper altar boy, at heart. (No, I was never molested.)

Can I still use the word “schlong”? : )

; )

No, it never bothers me, and now I remember I used to use “schelp”. so it’s all right. I’ll still use ‘yenta’ because there’s not quite anything like it in any other language. Somehow “oi” and “oive” never heard except from Jews, and they used it like breathing.


Christ, you’d already spelled it properly: schlep.

Yes, melting pot (maybe too much, I sometimes think), but I definitely like some parts of the pot better than others, so I’d be happier in Greece, Italy and obviously France. Too late, alas!

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