yup, finally doing it – 34 years in NYC – 2 years of marriage (and 7-year long distance relationship) – time to get my ass up to my husbear. No worries, this internet thing works up there, so I will post just as infrequently once I am settled in!

yup, finally doing it – 34 years in NYC – 2 years of marriage (and 7-year long distance relationship) – time to get my ass up to my husbear. No worries, this internet thing works up there, so I will post just as infrequently once I am settled in!
Clinton Coe, appearing in only one film, Heatstroke, but in plenty of ads for Gage Gear!
Roger (search results may contain other “Rogers”
YES, with Voldemar and Billy Hitchcock
What the Los Angeles critics say; “Yes” is a vignette of magical beauty. Mr. Rocco has discovered among the many models of Hollywood, a blonde talent named Voldemar – who has eyes which speak as eloquently as Rocco’s camera. Together, in “YES:, they weave a spell in a story of encounter. This time it is a boy dressed in leather who discovers a sunbather (Voldemar). In wordless basic communication, the two perform the ultimate in drama – the telling of a story through movement. The scenes of the Leather boy caressing the blonde’s body are exquisite under Mr. Rocco’s direction. And when the Leather Boy puts his head next to Voldemar’s chest …. the only breathing in the theatre is that of the two actors…”
Casey Donovan + Derrick Stanton
Pit Stop