large paper book on leather bondage that is unsigned with no date listed nor is there an author or publisher listed. I would date it early-mid 70’s. – Illustrated with explicit drawings and photos. cover illustrations by SEAN; plenty of photos and AMAZING erotic art; 7 pages of fisting photos
(Hope these links work!)
#2 – I wasn’t going to talk about the porn cartoon artist, John Klamik aka SEAN, until much later. But since zephyr brought him up recently, I might as well do this now, while it’s fresh!
Wow, zephyr! I’ve always said that BJ has psychic energy! At times, he seems to read my mind! I now think some of his power, has rubbed off on you! I’ll discuss some of your coincidental posts, in the future!
For the record, despite misgivings, I’m still a fan of Klamik. But only of his “vanilla” work! It’s genuinely energetic, erotic, playful, and funny! : 0
It’s hard to reconcile though, that he also did S & M – BDSM work. He seemed to be such a nice guy. His rough stuff, I can do without – Yeesh! : |
He was quite prolific, and a pioneer! His work seems to be everywhere! zephyr, already posted this wiki page. It’s amazing that other porn cartoon artists; also have their own wiki link! : 0
In my youth, I summoned up the courage, to actually buy a hardcore magazine, at an Adult Bookstore.
It’s funny, that I can’t remember the photographed images. But I DO remember this illustrated scenario, within that publication. It’s the first time, I’d ever seen, Sean’s work.
He would become quite familiar, in other porn publications and gay magazines, which I would buy.
Like most queers, he also has a camp sense of humor. No doubt, everyone will recognize who the female cartoon; in these two illustrations, is famously patterned on – classic movie line!
I’m a fierce proponent of the First Amendment. An artist legally, should be able to draw, whatever he wants. However, I make a clear distinction between what’s legal, and what’s moral!
Just because you CAN draw something, doesn’t mean you SHOULD! In this fascinating interview, he states that he was willing to draw, ANYTHING – horrifying! : /
I have to say, this really does disgust me! Cannibalism – Really?!
I understand that illustrating may not be profitable, and you have to pay the rent! But in my opinion, this is worse than prostitution – appalling! : O
This really does color the way, I now see him. I can’t help thinking that he fed the appetite; of a sick, twisted mind, like Jeffrey Dahmer! How disillusioning! : (
I have absolutely, no interest in viewing his gory, violent work! Honestly, spare me! Readers can search for it, themselves. I hope you don’t have any psychopaths, as readers, BJ! : |
Maybe sometimes, willful ignorance is a good thing! : |
Sorry to be preachy! But I had to get this off my chest! As opposed to, just getting off! : P
Ah, BJ! So many great and illuminating posts! Not to mention, disturbing – YUCK! : /
But I’ll do my best, to handle it! : )
; )
I’ve seen a lot of Sean’s work and usually enjoyed most of it myself too. Even the more hardcore leather or BDSM stuff has its place, similar to how I feel about The Hun or Etienne who also delved in that direction at times. That interview with Sean looks fascinating, I will be bookmarking that and diving into it when I have more time. I see your point about art not being able to hurt anyone as photos or porn scenes can, but there should be some areas that are off limits, I agree with you there.
Between us, Johnny, Steel City and the other sleuths drawn to BJ’s valuable blog we have figured out a lot of mysteries, excellent work here sir!