hope the hawking my eBay sales is cool. of course, if it’s not, not sure I’d stop – right? and it’s still porn – so, should I make the images larger? I like the look of 4 across, but maybe the impact is less with the smaller size? Oh, and let’s see – that’s Nick Rodgers, Pat Sutton, Ken Conroy, a book, a guy in cop gear, Dino Binetti , some guy’s butt, and of course, Bruno.
2 replies on “stuff, fersale, clicky click”
Four images across looks good to me too, but I’m looking at your site on a nice sized monitor.
The “some guy’s butt” (which is a nice butt too) on the bottom row is Rob Baron, it looks like he may have been credited as Julian in the mag you’re selling:
yup, same here on monitor size, that’s why i am checking. and my listing shows both names for “some guy’s butt” – but you are right that they list him as “Julian” – good call!