
Mud Run

Sold this Bobby Garcia video Mud Run (2000), back in 2006 – from the description: “Twice a year at Camp Pendleton, a Southern California Marine Base, several THOUSAND Marines participate in a 10K obstacle race called the MUD RUN. This year, Bobby went to see what it was all about, he VIDEOTAPED it – – – and guess what?????!!!! Out of the thousands of choices of hot, muscular, athletic, military guys, Bobby nailed a few for private studio video shootings. There was even one guy that was soooo ready to rumble that did a solo for Bobby right there in the bushes on base. HERE IT IS. We’ve put it all together for you – the race AND the private scenes. M*U*D R*U*N is two hours of mud, sweat and sex. It is handsome, strapping, military athletes getting down-and-dirty in the mud and then doing private —- sessions for Bobby to audition to be in porn films and meet girls. These guys can be talked into ANYTHNG. This is a different kind of Bobby tape. We’ve never offered a tape like it. Get ready for heart pounding, non-stop, FOR REAL MARINE ACTION.”

One reply on “Mud Run”

Watching this reminded me of the phrase I used to hear gay guys older than me say: “young, dumb and full of cum”. He’s young, I have no idea how dumb he is nor do I really care, but wow what a load! Makin’ me thirsty… :p

Was this scene the highlight of the video, was that why you captured the clip? Or do you remember much else about it?

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