"vintage" porn stars

With your fist holding tight to the string of your kite

Let’s Go Fly A Kite

16 replies on “With your fist holding tight to the string of your kite”

Toby as flawless and godlike as ever. Never had seen this. Thanks! Who’s the younger fellow and what’s this from?

Honestly BJ, you’re not going to have to leave it to me to answer parisian’s question, are you? You know how I hate to show off. Well anyway, the name of this muscular imp is Greg Kolb. Both he and Toby were featured models from Colt Studio, so this is from one of their photo-shoots.

Boy, the image of Greg Kolb takes me WAY back. When I was 17, I ventured first time, into a local magazine store, to look and possibly buy, one of the movie/show biz publications. I had no idea that they actually sold gay magazines off the shelves. I thought they were only sold in Adult Bookstores or through the mail. I did know that the Advocate Newspaper could be bought from a vending machine.

Imagine my surprise when I glanced, and saw my first gay magazine publication, that was then known as Mandate “ The National Magazine of Entertainment and Eros”. (!) Who do you suppose, was on the cover of the February 1976 issue?

I have to say, as a closed teenager, I was pretty shocked. Tits and ass were regularly featured on the covers of Playboy and Penthouse, but this was the first time, I saw a magazine that featured male nudity, right on the cover! Even Playgirl, didn’t do that. Just goes to prove how queers are always pushing the envelope.

I was pretty naïve then, but I instinctively knew, that this magazine was geared toward gay men. There were people around me, so I made sure not to look at the cover directly, but only glance at it from the corner of my eyes. I felt like a Woody Allen character. Much later, I bought the magazine from EBay. : )

Greg Kolb looked so fresh, sweet, and innocent. The descriptions “hottie” or “stud-muffin” wasn’t coined yet back then, but that’s exactly what he was. I credit him with being my first known porn hottie. ; )

Hi, could you write me something about the Mandate content? Its offered somewhere right now and I´m thinking about to buy it or not.

Gee, I’m sorry Jan – can’t help you out. I used to have a huge porn collection that I gave away and sold about 4 years ago. My memory isn’t what it used to be. A lot of it is a blur. I remember that Mandate always had great pictures from Colt in it. Gay magazines back then like Mandate and Manshots, were pretty sophisticated. All I can go by for this particular issue is what’s listed on the cover. I can’t remember specific details. : (

Now back to you, BJ. ; )

This was all great stuff, Obsessed, thank you! I didn’t know Mandate went back quite that far. In 1988 I sold a film of my own through ‘Mandate’ and ‘Drummer’ called ‘Noble Prick of Imperial Fleshpots’, filmed in Liverpool and New York in 1987–VHS for $98 apiece and made a couple of thousand too, just from repeating the ads a few weeks and selling mail order. I see ‘The Homosexual Matrix’ had an article in that issue (not to mention ‘Pacific Overtures’, which I remember well.) We were all reading it at the time, but when I saw it just now I got it confused with the earlier ‘Homosexual Handbook’ by Angelo d’Arcangelo, which we also all devoured; I had been sure I read it about 1972, and I see it had been published in 1968, just after Wainwright Churchill’s ‘Homosexual Behaviour Among Males’, also very good.

I had ordered a Toby Photoset from Colt in 1999, I believe, but they were all solo. He was probably with Kolb like he was with Morgan Winner in ‘Workout’, Toby’s last film (not Colt.) I haven’t followed Colt closely through the years, but do remember some 8mm’s now in ‘The Best of Colt’ series, with Bill Eld, Lloyd Kasper, and Rocco Rizzoli, and a photo of Max Schling I liked.

That Mandate cover brings the era all back, oh yes. Just like old copies of ‘After Dark’ like that one with a piece on the W. 72nd hustler Nick Cantrell, when he appeared in ‘El Camino Real’ at Vivian Beaumont.

I owe B.J. my copy of Toby’s ‘Colt Men I’, he directed me to Naughtybids back in 2002 (not to mention keeping this rich and wonderful blog going all these years–quite amazing and admirable the concentration and devotion.) I already had ‘Bruno’s World’ and ‘Chute’, where he’s got good partners, esp. Parker, whose cock-worship of Toby is sublime, and the music is good–the whole short film is close to perfect. I got 4 or 5 Vintage mags of horsey Ray Fuller, who was still alive back then, off Naughtybids as well. Those sites like Charon’s Ferry are gone, though, where you could find out whether the old stars are still with us. I do wonder why it was kept secret that Toby had died in 1993 until around 2010. Some sites with some of his old close friends popped up around then, and they hadn’t known either. They called him ‘Mark’ (in the earliest J.F. photos I’ve seen, he is called ‘Mark Griffin’.) One of them wanted to know where he was buried. In 2004, I tried to locate where his 80s antique shop Belgravia was located, and a jewelry store at Beverly Center may have been it, but it was unsurprising that the new proprietors had no idea what I was talking about.

Well, thank you for that detailed reply. I´m 29 and I try to do anything to get any knind of media from Colt or mags where things of that are in it. I generally totally love vintage/retro/classical porn

When I saw the picture above, I guessed that it was Greg Kolb, but I couldn´t say it for sure beacause I can not see his glance totally. And Greg Kolb has a very marked glance.

Jan–as Obsessed notes, mags like Mandate were ‘pretty sophisticated’ back then’, although I don’t know how interested you are in the other things; by the 80s, there were many more ‘just for skin’ (including just for foreskin). The DVD stores still carry lots of mags, but most of their stock is never bought, they even have ancient vhs’s to fill the shelves. Just from that cover alone, I’m startled at how much mainstream art Mandate was covering–Regine Crespin of the Met, etc., Stephen Sondheim shows like ‘Pacific Overtures’, Tennessee Williams revivals (what I wouldn’t give to have seen Irene Worth and especially Richard Chamberlain in ‘Sweet Bird’ and ‘Iguana’–don’t remember if RC had come out yet), and even ‘a piece of Mahhhh-lerzzz!’)I think by the time I was using it, Mandate still had good gay-oriented articles and pictures, but I don’t remember if there was so much reporting of the mainstream. Gay rags today review Broadway, as in Gay City News, but the few I’ve looked at are much shabbier than what I see on this Mandate cover, and more like Next or HX, which are only bars and gay clubs, much shallower. There used to be a Vintage Gay store here in the West Village over on Hudson Street which lasted until at least 2002 (Gay Pleasures, and before that a gay bookstore, forgot the name, adjacent to it), maybe a little longer, which had a basement full of phenomenal reel-to-reel gay movies, and tons of old photos. An old lover of mine left me his enormous collection, but I threw out most of it eventually myself, but kept one reel of a Bert Edwards movie. He was another ‘hung country boy’ type, and very hot. I don’t know if B.J. or obsessed know of anything comparable, so I guess it’s just online mostly now.

bj–Just saw that you have several posts on Bert Edwards. The one called ‘Frenching It’ has Bert almost the spitting image of Ray Fuller–same type, Ray maybe a bit hunger still. You may want to look him up, if you haven’t; he was very big in the late 60s, early 70s. Some of the ancient films of his are on the net, and ‘Pool Party’

is for sale at one of the stores, also has John Holmes and Bill Eld in it. Fuller’s best mag is called ‘Ballin’ with Ray’, came out about 1972, great fucking of a young blonde by Ray’s huge manhood.

really? you thought i coulda done a better job? invoking teen lust at the magazine store so many decades ago? how could i top that!!??!!

Hey BJ, I promise this will be my last response to this post. I didn’t mean to hijack your blog, sorry. You know that I’m forever indebted to you, because of your marvelous website, and especially introducing me to GEVI. : )

It’s always a thrill to discover someone who appreciates vintage porn, especially if they’re younger than me!

For parisian and Jan, yes, Mandate magazine does indeed go back pretty far. The first issue was published for April 1975, with Stoner/Bill Cable on the cover.

Both me and BJ, swear by this very informative website, called Gay Erotic Archives. This should be of interest to both of you. Click on left menu where it says “LISTINGS”:

As I said, Mandate and Manshots were probably my favorite monthly magazines, but there were lots of other great magazines as well. Adam Gay Video was also pretty hot.

I’m sad that because of the internet, gay magazines are no longer published. I wish I could have kept my collection, but I could no longer afford to pay the rent for storage.

There’s also a wealth of information from these two previously mentioned websites:

You can also see lots of vintage porn pictures from the endless Tumblr sites available. I’m an addict. Type in “Vintage Gay Porn Tumblr” or “Retro Gay Porn Tumblr” in your search engine, and go to their “Archive Pages”. There will be hundreds of examples with corresponding links.

And of course, you also have this marvelous website presented here, bjland. I don’t need to remind you. Thanks to everyone on this post! : )

Once again, back to you BJ! ; )

don’t say another WORD!! haha, like i’d want you to stop! I added the comments to get input and dialogue. so i very much appreciate your posts! keep ’em coming!

“After Dark” was another early gay mag with fine cultural coverage. It was closety, never quite openly gay, but wink wink the theatre reviews always featured pics of the actors’ treasure trails and asses. It was easy to buy at those magazine stores when I was a young’un because it was usually put two shelves away from the really obvious stuff like Mandate. When Viva and Playgirl first appeared, the magazine stores tended to put them in the same general area as the Playboy and Hustler, so you could leaf through them pretty easily if you were careful. I only got busted once, deeply engrossed in a Viva, always my favorite. Store owner sternly informed me that that was a women’s magazine; the men’s magazines were *over there*. Damn.

OK, so I still have two trunks of this stuff, much of it in mint condition from the ’70s and 80’s. Someone kindly advise me what to do with it? It’s not going to follow me into retirement.

@ parisian

Well, yes, I´m thinking that a lot is only available over the internet. But I would like to see what the stores in the USA, which are still open, got to offer.
But I´m german and the the only stores in my vicinity are in Berlin. And this city is 130 miles away. I bought the first Colt mags, Colt is my priority, in the Bruno Gmünder flagship store. But they only that had two.
I mostly put my focus on mags that were directly published by the studios like from Falcon, Traget, Zeus, Fox, and others.
Sometimes I find things online, but they are very requested = expensive.

I almost had the chance to fly to Las Vegas this December, and they are having a good store, who has a little report on youtube. The report gave some nice pictures from the store and what its offering, or offered. Because the report was made in 2007 when the Internet didn´take over the real world. And I don´t think that are having much of that what I´m looking for.

I don’t know if there are any to speak of that are still open–none that I know of in NYC, although B.J. may know if there is. Actually surprised Berlin has a vintage gay store with American titles. It’s like the theaters which used to be all over the Times Square area (but were admittedly often pretty squalid except for the first few years of the Adonis, then it got no maintenance either) and are now reduced to two dismal places in Queens and Brooklyn that feel like the end of the world. There’s a no-holds-barred theater in L.A. called the Studs, but that’s pretty grimy too, but they do have the only totally open sex activity.

I think you pretty much have a choice of private collections to buy from like Krakenbaba’s trunksful of After Dark, etc., but that you’ll probably have to locate them online. No, I wouldn’t think a 2007 youtube would tell you much about now, and that’s so far away. Sounds as though you’re pretty lucky to have a real place as close as the Berlin one.

There are several videos from 1975 and about 1977 respectively that I’ve wanted to find out about, but I’ve only found them listed, and never for sale anywhere. I had seen them in theaters then, one was ‘Gay Guide to Hawaii’, which showed at the old, short-lived Mini-Cinema at Rockefeller Center (!) and the French ‘Homologues ou le Soif du Male’, which was really good. I had Parisian friends who saw it there, and it was kind of a sensation at the time, with really hot scenes, but both of these have disappeared, even from most listings, and may never have been put on video. These both precede ‘Le Beau Mec’ and then the Cadinot films start, which are only fair in my estimation, even though good technically. You probably just have to keep searching naughtybids, but I have found them to go way down over the years too.

Oh, I hope I dind´t explained it wrong. Bruno Gmünder, that is publishing al those famous porn and soft picture books, has its flaghip store there. But they dond´t have a vintage part there. They once sold old mags for low prices. And I got the last two Colt mags.

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