Des Hommes… Des Reves… (1979)
Gigolos (1981) 52 pages, 5 models
“Ignoring the long-held taboo and belief, that such a “shocking” subject was unworthy of serious photography, Roy Blakey began photographing naked men in his New York City studio in the late 1960s, and inadvertently became a pioneer.
Blakey’s unique vision was to eliminate all props and backgrounds, and simply focus on the naked male body, enhanced only by his masterful lighting technique.
In 1972 Blakey released his first book; a self-published, slender, slipcase book simply titled “He.” Blakey’s monograph with its unabashed presentation of nude men was a bold first step, which pried open the door to greater acceptance, appreciation, and respect for male nudity in photography.
After the appearance of “He”, Blakey’s renowned works were exhibited at the legendary Continental Baths in New York City and were widely published internationally, including three special editions of Roy Blakey Nudes by “Masculin International” in France.” — ROY BLAKEY PHOTOGRAPHY”