"vintage" porn stars


7 replies on “coltmen13”

If I recall correctly, a while back, I was having problems with my computer. I finally had to hire a tech for help. For a period, I couldn’t get access to your website. Imagine the deprivation! I admit I’m addicted.

So that may explain, why I wasn’t aware that this was actually the first time, you posted about that hot, golden porn daddy, Will Garret! It’s great that you finally showed his face in the third post. Once again, talk about deprivation! His face should never be hidden! He was the total package – great body, face, dick and ass!

I’m actually glad that there are no comments here. I feel less guilty about hogging up comment space. I’m about to gush about him in a lengthy celebration. But don’t worry. I figured out a way, to make this swoon-fest, more “digestible” for your palate. I would never want to make you feel bloated or nauseous. LOL!

Why don’t I just spread my celebration, over your three posts – great idea, huh? I don’t know why, I didn’t think of this before. That way, I don’t have to worry about including too little, or too much.

I may start doing this with future responses. Thank God, for your search engine! I know I’m a self-indulgent blabbermouth. I can’t edit myself!

Anyway, you’re correct in identifying this picture, from a duo layout in Colt Men #13. It was produced in 1984. I used to own it. It features two beautiful stallions, photographed separately, and then together.

Here, Will Garret is on the top, while Loren Marks is “servicing” him, on the bottom. I say “servicing”, because although the session is undeniably hot, it may be just simulation.

It’s staged and posed, rather cleverly. Both erections are shown, but you don’t actually see, graphic penetration of either a mouth, or an anus. I guess you can best describe the action as “semi-hardcore”. There’s also a suggestive photo of Garret “rimming” Marks, but that too, isn’t explicit.

Maybe Will Garret was actually straight. I don’t really count solos as “genuine” porn. However, Loren Marks was the real deal! He went all the way, as we both know!

Regardless, these photos are still scorching. Both of them look great together! Will Garrett is so hot, that I would even settle for watching him in straight porn.

I wish he would have performed, in some “real”, hardcore action. Imagine if this layout was also filmed, as a hardcore loop! Jim French had a way of pairing hot men, who show great chemistry together.

This magazine has that cute, frisky little stud-muffin, Loren Marks, on the cover – adorable!

Maybe you should do a future post with him. What do you think?

I love his smooth, round forehead; flat, straight eyebrows, and bullet nipples – irresistible! (I hope this link works!)

And above ALL, I LUV his big, plush, cushiony RUMP! Man, I could ride his caboose for hours! I only wish he would exhaust me!

Here’s his Retro Studs profile, to help you out. Just to be clear though, Buck Naked made a GLARING mistake – bless his heart! So you’re not the only one! : )

As you can see, the fourth picture down is actually Rigardo Merlo. : /

In your second Will Garret post, I’ve already mentioned that I used to own this magazine, and lamented, having to get rid of it.

What a great, ambiguous smile! You can’t tell if he’s being friendly, or suppressing a leer! LOL!

Wow, I still ended up being too verbose, anyway! Sorry about that. Hot guys do that to me. Before I end here, please let me highlight his six shower pictures, from Advocate Men Magazine November 1985. I can’t resist!

Advocate Men, wasn’t quite in the same league as Colt or Target. But they still were often, pretty fantastic! I definitely remember this issue. I love when porn models cross over to different magazines. Bruno worked for all three!

“Oh, excuse me sir. The bathroom door was unlocked.” : )

I love his expression in the long picture, shown on the left! Is he surprised, or contemplating? Did he leave the door unlocked, on purpose? What a great ass! I told you he was a stallion! : P

As you can tell, these next two pictures, were isolated and enlarged, from the main picture just above. Thank you Buck Naked! Bless your heart!

Look at his dimple! I also love this picture angle, where you can see both his ass and hard-on, at the same time – naughty but nice! : )

As I said before, so many Colt models, manage to show lots of personality in their photos. They look great in stills and in action.

“I hope you left me some hot water and soap. ‘Cause I’m feeling, EXTRA dirty!”

Ah, I think he looks adorable here, and surprisingly enough, wholesome – good clean fun!

What an incredible body! Who says that mature men, aren’t hot? Lots of men really do come into their own, as they get older.

I mean, look at porn star, Chase Hunter! He’s not quite in the same league as Mr. Garret, but he sure was exceptional. The years were good to him!

Another winning smile! As you can see, this is the centerfold. There has to be a version of this picture, that doesn’t have the line creases. I wish I was an expert, in Photoshop.

I saved the best, for last! This picture sends me over the edge! There’s no ambiguity here. From his stern expression, you can see that he means business! He’s not fooling around!

“Spank me daddy. I’ve been bad. I need to be taught a lesson.”

Will Garret is the perfect porn daddy, of one’s wet dreams!

When he’s good, he’s good. When he’s bad, he’s better! LOL!

; )

(just a quick note – so you don’t get paranoid – wordpress suspects SPAMMING when there are a lot of links, and hold comments for approval in those cases, like this one!) I will read and comment later!

OK – go to the RETROSTUDS entry, yes – i guess the shaving cream hid his face, but THAT COCK IS SO DIFFERENT!!!!!! Idunno, looking at too many of WIll, he’s starting to look bland and ordinary! oops!

Thank you so much for the info., BJ honey. I thought it didn’t work, because it was considerably old. I was afraid this post, wouldn’t include the spaces and paragraphs! You saved me the embarrassment, of asking you to let me in. Don’t hesitate to tell me, if I’m hogging up too much space. As you can see, I wanted this to flow through three of your posts about Mr. Garret. I know I’m self indulgent. But once I get started on my favorite porn studs, you can’t shut me up! LOL!

You’re a sweetheart, and very generous! ; )

Let me just say how grateful I am to you, for letting me celebrate Mr. Garret, through three posts that YOU presented. I truly appreciate it. You can bet I’ll be coming back to these displays intermittently, when I need a boost of energy and lust.

As you know, I think he sizzles! He makes my mouth water! : P

“…he’s starting to look bland and ordinary!”

Okay, I’m going to keep calm, and take the high road. After all, this is YOUR website; to each his own. Go ahead and say what you will. Words can’t bring him down. : )

For right now, I going to shut up, and respect your fascination with Nick Poulos, Joe Roberts, and Jeff Stone. : /

Endless thanks to you once again,

; )

Okay BJ honey, because I also love you, I’m not going to take the bait. Try as you can, I won’t bite. : )

You like these three, so that’s ultimately, what’s important. : /

All the very best to them, and you!

; )

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