who you may remember from such films as: Champs, Rawhide, Boots (which appears in the compilation Biker’s Liberty , and of course Turned On!
who you may remember from such films as: Champs, Rawhide, Boots (which appears in the compilation Biker’s Liberty , and of course Turned On!
So, you all know I used to sell quite a bit of porn on eBay, right? It helped financially for several years, and also helped me gain a lot of knowledge (or at least a place to look stuff up, having saved most of my html auction files after the first couple of years of sales) but I haven’t done sales on eBay in years. Keep meaning to get back into in. Mostly because I can use the space, but now, I can also use the money. But, alas, I always get distracted or overwhelmed. I was just telling someone the other day (therapist) that I am incapable of just snapping a pic, typing a few lines, and boom, up for sale on eBay. No, I always have to do some research on what other films the guys in the video have starred in, or what pseudonyms the guys in the magazines might also go by, or, as in the case of books, doing some research to get an idea if something is valuable, or at least to nab some descriptive text so I can copy and paste instead of typing out a thorough description. Well what is the first book I pull out this morning? Yup, this one, which seems to be a hard to find, out of print self-published “tell all” of sorts about the body building scene in the early 70’s
Then this little tidbit from Wikipedia – Keith Spaulding (Ken Sprague – AKA Dakota) and James Cass (Jim Cassidy) served as a template for characters in the book!
and check out the escort ads – including Jim Cassidy’s phone number!
so, afternoon blown, I’m somewhere in Chapter 2….
Nino Scappa (AKA Jeff), appeared in only two films – Jeff (1974) – above, which pops up in these collections: Singlehanded and Ebony Love; and Cliff, Todd & Jeff (1974).