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J. Brian’s Flashbacks

The Jock Strap Dance Contest has been a San Francisco tradition for many, many years. Held every other Sunday evening at the End-Up Bar, audiences have seen some of the hottest men compete for the $100 prize money and for fun, fame, recognition or just for the hell of it.

Chapter 2: Contestant number two is Jeff Porter, a Swedish tourist. While exploring the Redwood National Park in Northern California, he sees Mickey Squires driving around naked in a customized van. Pulling over to a quiet section of the Park, they get out and get down, talking dirty and turning each other on.

4 replies on “J. Brian’s Flashbacks”

I have to admit, I’ve done that a time or 2, at more than a few Rest Areas. Being a Truck Driver has it’s advantages, sometimes.

“Ooh, he gave me those looks.” Love it! Great scene!

Thanks, BJ, for the trip down memory lane! (where two hot guys are jerking off together)

I just reviewed Flashbacks, in fact I made it a themed set of posts by writing about Al Parker’s singular Flashback before. But here’s the link to the plural FlashbackS:

A few interesting things about this that I learned, first of all the song at the end (when all the contestants strut around in their jocks for the dance contest, including Jeff from this clip) is Give Me A Break, by Vivien Vee:

Also on cowboy frank’s website he has a full scan of the June 1982 issue of Honcho. And starting on page 65 there is a series of episodes, as they call them, detailing the scenes from this film. Still pics as well as erotic fiction written by Jack Fritscher. The June issue has episodes 5 and 6 covering the last two scenes from the film.

Do you have the April and May issues of Honcho at your disposal? I assume that April would have featured the first two Flashbacks scenes including this one, and then scenes 3-4 in the May issue – including the Leo Ford / Jamie Wingo pairing that I think might be the best known part of the film. It was the scene I was already the most familiar with when I watched it this week, partly because it’s been on later collections (and also many tube sites over the years).

Scene 4 was the one set at the Stagecoach cowboy clothes shop, with Will Seagers. He looked great but it must have been very cramped inside the store as the camera angles are quite basic and don’t show him, Miles Mitchell or contestant #5 Jim Mallett off very well. A link in the review goes to a 1981 issue of the B.A.R. where John Karr wrote about the film, there are a few pics there also.

If anything this scene from your clip above was a bit of a letdown for me, of course both Jeff and Mickey look great and it’s a hot concept for a scene. But since all they did was jack themselves off, not even each other, it led me to wonder what a full sex scene might have looked like had J. Brian decided to do that. And as the B.A.R. review says, it doesn’t really show all of Mickey off as well as he should have been, particularly his dick being hidden in his hand much of the time. Still a decent scene in a very well-conceived movie.

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