"vintage" porn stars


5 replies on “dick_trask002.jpg”

In many ways, this picture of Dick Trask is very flattering and elegant. I wonder who took it. I have to say though, I don’t trust it. I don’t believe his beard, was ever that thick. It looks like it was artificially layered and darkened, by Photoshop. One could easily think he has black hair, when in fact, it’s brown.

That being said, I really like Dick Trask. He was among the many appealing porn stars that were unheralded. He truly had a chameleon quality. In his loops with Ledermeister, Erron, and Bill Eld, he comes off rather sweet and friendly. In other loops, he’s quite menacing, especially in the ones where he does some fisting. (YIKES!) I wonder what he voice sounds like.

Wonderful Woody has done some updating on GEVI. But he still hasn’t got around to adding the 1978 Falcon loop titled, “Abducted” aka “Working on the Railroad”, on both the credits of Trask and Joey Yale.

Have you seen The Specimen? I’ve been meaning to upload it here. If I remember correctly, you’re also a fan of Jim Cassidy, who’s in it, as well.

No I haven’t. From the GEVI description, it sounds rather strange – Chronos and Kent Banning, huh? Is it even still available? Could you ever imagine that such a nice, sweet boy would ever engage in the activity of fisting?

Here’s a picture from the ending of “Abducted” aka “Working on the Railroad”. Call me perverse, but I’m fascinated by the hairy back of Dick Trask:


For that matter, neither does Woody, from GEVI! Don’t you just love my teasing? It’s amazing how both of you will lay out the ground work; for me to connect the dots, yet you don’t see it for yourselves.

But first, let me try to be humble. Let me profusely thank you, for all the fantastic focus lately on Dick Trask. He’s really grown on me. I owe my recent appreciation of him, due to you. Who knew he was so prolific?

You’re actually ahead of Woody, in accuracy. GEVI still doesn’t list “Abducted (1978)”, as a credit of both Dick Trask and Joey Yale. I pretty sure he follows your blog. I’m certain he’s done some updating, because of you (and me?).

I know your memory isn’t exactly steel-shut. So I’m not bitter that you haven’t credited me; in introducing you to “Abducted” – or other examples, in subsequent postings. It’s not exactly the first time, you forgot – honestly! (Harrumph!) : )

It takes a big man, to admit he’s wrong. That’s why I consider myself, a titan. LOL!

I mentioned before, that I didn’t think Dick Trask, did any solo glamour shots for Colt. Well, shut my mouth! And all this time, I thought he was cut! I wonder if this picture is still available. I stand corrected…

“Hey there sailor!”

This one is also nice. “The fleet’s in!”

I thought this picture you have posted here, was from Colt. Well, once again, shut my mouth! I had no idea he also posed for Target. Thank you Buck Naked! So glad you’re back!

As you know, “Javelin #1” from Target, was an incredible publication! This is from page 35. You can enlarge!

Scroll down to the bottom where it says, “Illustration from the film ALL IN A DAY’S WORKOUT”, featuring Dick and Pete. (!) Wait, what?! Who the hell is Pete?! 1975?

What the hell does Pete look like? You mean he also worked with Bruno?

Was this loop ever released on video or DVD? I can’t recall. It’s so frustrating when the models aren’t identified, or only use a single name! No doubt, you’ll update Dick’s resume (you better!). Maybe this time, I’ll be credited. I only hope Woody will update as well!

This is what makes you blog so wonderful! I’m always discovering something new! I hope the feeling’s mutual!

So many great posts! So little time!

Johnny-My Pet-Llama! I expect you to take notes! : )

; )

nice work!

as host of this porno-crazed blog, I like to start with the positive! Fantastic that you found the Target image, AND in my mind, more importantly, the Target film loop – All in a Day’s Workout – that’s great!!!

for the ease of readers, I’m including the photos you linked to (sometimes tumblr/blogger/blogspot images disappear) plus my own of the Javelin pic – I’m calling them “Sailor dick” “possible fake dick” and “Javelin dick” – I’ll let you all figure out which is which

I had seen the Target image, but couldn’t remember where, and only the one… but had it on that long long “to do” list – but credit where credit is due on the film – I’ll say it here – THANK YOU – and you can figure out where else on the blog I (may have) thanked you!

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