Rod Mitchell and Judd Preston in The Bigger They Are – but i really doubt it’s 1984 – much closer to 1980, right?
Month: March 2016
photos and magazines

By 1978, when he turned to film-making, he had published 17 photo albums, which had sold more than 170,000 copies.
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Jayson MacBride, who you may remember from such films as: Catching Up, Cherokee Station, Harley’s Angels, A Night At The Adonis, Hot House, Red Ball Express, and Broadway Boys among others. And a bit more on
Catching Up and a Torso photo-spread.
Dakota Meets Jim Cassidy (1971)
CAUTION: the music is awful, annoying, and clearly not part of the original soundtrack – it probably never had one. This clip probably came fROm one of those reissue compilations that add some stupid version of “ye olde” music. All that to say, turn the volume OFF if you want to enjoy this.
And, some fascinating background about the producers of this film, Directory Services, Inc., (DSI)
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