"vintage" porn stars PAEAN Studios

Is that you, Don Talon?

from Sculptures of Macho Males (Paean Studio 1978), is that Don Talon in the middle above? (and the back of his balding head, below?)

Just 2 gay films – The Ax Master (1977), and Cruising The Castro (1981) (which I’ve always suspected it was filmed a couples years before this release date), and one bi – Split Personality – wonder if that’s really him. – and that’s it!!??

below, from Falcon’s The Ax Master

"vintage" porn stars

Mike, Jayson, & Chuck – the Manhandlers

Manhandlers no 3 (1980) (not much info here)

Colt Studios Ledermeister

Gallery 5 Ledermeister!

who’re your friends? ( I know I’ll get in trouble for this one, the standing blond facing us is…..)

from Colt’s Gallery 5 – ledermeister! (1971)

some from Gallery 5 were also featured in Best of Gallery 2 (1974)

really wish I had this one – or at least a much better quality version of the second pic of Ledermeister! and his buddies (wonder if JEB! got the idea for ! from ledermeister!)

"vintage" porn stars

Bruno and…?

who’s the blond?

from Colt’s Gallery 10 (1973)

"vintage" porn stars

Officer Mike Davis

more Mike Davis

and more Mike Davis