"vintage" porn stars Fred Halsted

engagement notice

7 replies on “engagement notice”

Fred Halsted unfortunately committed suicide in the late 80’s after the death of Joey Yale from AIDS. Tragic all around.

“i think i found it online, tumblr site perhaps”

Ahem? Hello bj. You may or not, have noticed that I haven’t commented lately. I know you’re busy and sometimes have a short memory, so I don’t take it personally.

On July 13, 2013, I commented on what a great picture you posted of Fred Halsted on July 12, 2013. I’m always indebted to you, for keeping his legacy alive.

It was actually little ole me, who brought you to the attention of this website:

(Scroll down to June 27, 2013 and June 25, 2013.)

Remember now? It was in the context of me informing you that in 1979, he also appeared in, “Dribble” a PG-rated comedy about a women’s basketball team.

You have a fantastic website that I truly appreciate. I always make it a point to view it every day. However, I’ve made the decision to not comment as much as I have in the past. As I said before, it isn’t personal. Thank you and all the best. : )

awww – of course it was from YOU – should have known! I have a habit of downloading pics as I see them (or as they are pointed out to me) then the file name gets changes so I can find them later, but the source, alas, gets lost. and I have noticed commenting less – of course I post less, so I figured that was natural. Thanks for all your input.


What a delight to return from a film history conference where I cited this very blog for its expertise on porn history, and see this pop up from my own blog! BJ, I’d actually love to chat with you sometime about some of your knowledge–I’m working on a piece about the edits made to gay and straight 70s films when they reappeared on video in the 80s, and your annotations are incredibly helpful. I’d love to hear more about how you came to recognize the discrepancies.

All the best,

how very cool – happy to tell you what I know about the edits – but it’s not from any personal knowledge, and only a bit of research. I just had a decent memory of what I saw in the movie theaters – most notably El Paso Wrecking (which I must’ve seen dozens of times over the years at the porno theaters)

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