(AKA Noel Kemp, and Mike Kelly) who you may remember from such films as Rawhide Jock Dreams , Wrestling Meat 2, Easy Entry, Not Just Friends w/ Joe Porcelli, A Matter Of Size – these last two my personal favorites of his – Bathhouse Fantasies, Knockout, Student Bodies, Bore ‘n Stroke, Arcade, Alleycats, and Sighs …. and I’m sure I’m missing a couple (I don’t the compilations, and with Buckshot, Colt, Fox Studios, I prefer the name of the actual film he’s in, and not the name of the collection – like Not Just Friends is from the Buckshot collection Good Hot Stuff)
3 replies on “Eric Stryker”
Hey BJ, I feel like this will be an easy one for you. But for some reason I’m drawing a blank. I of course recognize Eric / Noel on the left but who is the dark haired guy next to him in this American Gothic-inspired ad?
Hope you don’t mind me, “butting” in. Aren’t “butts”, always appreciated? : )
Honestly, zephyr! This time the *SPANKY – SPANKY* is for you, and not BJ! ; )
BJ actually, deserves a lot of credit. (RATS! No scolding!) : D
(Both of you have been on fire lately, with great links and info!)
Good job, BJ! A gold star, plus a cookie for you! All the information here, seems accurate – two names, two loops! Thanks to the both of you!
Always great to bring up an old topic, for discussion! Even if it’s redundant!
I think that Eric/Noel and “Mr. T”; may have been an item! I’ve seen other print images of them, where they also appear together. Or maybe, they were just friends?
One is a casual, impromptu setting, at some sort of leather convention. Stryker is wearing straps and a harness. Just like he did, in the “leather-lite” sequence, from “A Matter of Size” – porn classic!
Ah, BJ! So many great, old, and clarifying posts! : )
So little time! No wonder I keep getting distracted! I’ll never catch! : (
; )
Thank you kindly, Obsessed :) I knew that Eric Stryker (et al)’s friend looked familiar but as I said, I wasn’t coming up with who he was. I did even scroll through Eric’s gevi page and assuming they had done at least one scene together, had settled on two maybes but I didn’t think either were right: Joe Porcelli (from the Not Just Friends loop) or Kevin Hunt (from Arcade).
Of course just because two guys are photographed together, doesn’t mean that they ever appeared in a scene with each other. But in this case apparently they did, what must have been the same scenes from Wrestling Meat 2 as well as an even later compilation Hot Jocks Hot Shots 30. Even the 1989 year on gevi for Wrestling Meat 2 must have been much later than it was filmed, as Eric died in 1988 :(
And of course in the Tony/Tom post you found that BJ did, I veered way off topic (though BJ didn’t seem to mind as much as he sometimes does) by talking about Brad Phillips, Intruders and the oily Keith Dyson, and even managed to swing it out to Michael Brandon for some reason.
I had posted the Gothic pic to reddit on a sub called ‘vintagegayphotos’ which replaced an older one that was called ‘vintagegaypics’ but that one was removed, and unlike a lot of posts there where the pics have no explanation or i.d., I wanted to provide it if I could figure it out. So you helped Obsessed, much obliged.
Presenting hole… no, no, presenting backside for you though, just don’t leave a welt ;) And I saw an earlier comment of yours wondering about Parisian, I have no info about that. He and I got crosswired somehow a few years ago but as with most everyone here I hope he’s well and will resurface soon.