At first I thought the guy in the shower looks vaguely like Peter Fisk (Wakefield Poole’s onetime lover who was cast into 3 of Wakefield’s films) but knew it couldn’t be – could it be Colt’s Bruce Morgan (looks a bit too thin to be him, no?). Of course blond DAKOTA is the not nude guy – (have we ever compiled a list of the gay porn stars with only one name? I digress) And who’d butt is that? And why is the clock on military time?
5 replies on “16:01”
Here’s another question… what are those god-awful things hanging on the wall?
I don’t know if you ever did a list of one-named guys before, that would be interesting to see. Roger, Buster, Lance, certainly a lot more I’m just blanking on right now but those names popped into my head first.
This looks like very, very early Dakota, before he became a bodybuilder. What year could that be then? I thought he started near the very start of hard-X.
that’s why I wonder if it’s Bruce Morgan – they were co-stars in a couple of films found on these two compilations of sorts, in 1972, California Superstar, and Loadstar
The still above is from a film titled “Roommates” starring Dakota and two other performers. In the shower is Ken, on the bed is Roger (this is the only film both of these models did for COLT). The film is included in “Rip Colt’s Sex Rated Home Movies 2” and is scene six. Here is a link to the film if you care to watch. http://bit.ly/1L9KLcn
wow! thanks