Wow, it’s fascinating that even from a long distance, you can tell it’s Paul Barresi. The round face, dark hairline, bushy eyebrows and mustache, are unmistakable.
I have a question, I hope you may have the answer for.
Do you know what video this pic is from
That scene is not on the California Blue video, but I have seen a set of pics from the same shoot(video,film,)? about 30 years ago in a magazine called SKIN subtitled “The Hard On Magazine” . This has a real sentimental value to me as it was the first gay erotica I had ever seen. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.
good question – no idea where it’s from, but a HUGE pet peeve of mine – PORNO BOX ARTWORK that shows guys not in the movie! Bijou does this a lot. I think I’ll post the picture, so others see it and can weigh in – and maybe we can get an I.D. for you
4 replies on “deck”
Wow, it’s fascinating that even from a long distance, you can tell it’s Paul Barresi. The round face, dark hairline, bushy eyebrows and mustache, are unmistakable.
I have a question, I hope you may have the answer for.
Do you know what video this pic is from
That scene is not on the California Blue video, but I have seen a set of pics from the same shoot(video,film,)? about 30 years ago in a magazine called SKIN subtitled “The Hard On Magazine” . This has a real sentimental value to me as it was the first gay erotica I had ever seen. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.
good question – no idea where it’s from, but a HUGE pet peeve of mine – PORNO BOX ARTWORK that shows guys not in the movie! Bijou does this a lot. I think I’ll post the picture, so others see it and can weigh in – and maybe we can get an I.D. for you
That would be so awesome, thank you!