J.D. Slater, whose first film was Joe Gage’s HANDsome; I believe Hard (1986) with Lee Ryder was his first foray into directing; not sure when he started doing soundtrack music, most likely late 1990’s(?) – or once he was directing in the mid 1980’s – anyone know?
Let DJ Jeff Jackson and Disco Connie caress your senses with disco classics and underground sounds.
Bump and grind all night long while River and Sonny stroke your cocktails behind the bar. Plus BJ’s pornology will make you want to touch yourself!
And of course, The Judy Room will embrace all proud deviants and hell bent homos.
Reach out and touch!
I know I should stay away from utube, but it’s Gay Pride, and I dig this clip (despite the music)
A reader writes: “Do you know what video this pic is from? That scene is not on the California Blue video, but I have seen a set of pics from the same shoot (video,film,)? about 30 years ago in a magazine called SKIN subtitled “The Hard On Magazine”. This has a real sentimental value to me as it was the first gay erotica I had ever seen. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.”
Any idea who these guys are, folks? Here’s a quick clip from Bijou video (who is notorious for having box cover art that doesn’t match the movie! Aaaaaggggh!) that I doubt will help if these guys aren’t in it, but what the heck.
c’mon, what’s 18 minutes of your life – click and view! Filed under “things you find looking for other things on the internet” this was a cool bit of nostalgia for me. For those not familiar with how I latched onto this obsession with porn, it all began 35 years ago at this porno theater in Chicago. Man o Man! watching this brought back some crazy memories. I forget the Bijou actually had a very small back garden; gosh, and I became friends with one of the “ticket takers” (guy behind the window who took your money) – even had a tragic date involving cheap drinks and attempting a makeout session somewhere in Lincoln Park; and the use of David Earnest’s and Peter de Rome’s “Honey Man†and other music from Hand In Hand Films here; that Bijou Catalog I bought on eBay 13-14 years ago; and what was the first film shown at the Bijou? (you have to watch to find out!); Carol’s Speakeasy (which then brings me back to the doorman – Carol’s was on the same block as the Bijou – who somehow managed to get me to one of those sleazy hotels on the North Side, which no doubt is a trendy condo now); and just the hours I’d spend at that place.
This video is from 2011, and the Bijou is probably one of a handful of gay places still around from that era. The owner/operator/founder Steven Toushin has quite a life story (check out Wikipedia’s Steven Toushin entry) ; there’s a bijou world tumblr page (which I wish had more text from Steven and less re-posts from other tumblrs… ); anotherinterview of legend steven toushin; and oh gosh, run out of steam…. hope the video and links keep you occupied for a bit.