"vintage" porn stars

Bob Shane

who you remember from such films as Cell Block #9, Forbidden Portraits, Heatstroke, Red Ball Express, Tough Guys, and The Young Ones. He only appeared in films that also starred his partner, Roy Garrett; in fact, with the exception of his great non-sex role in Heatstroke, Bob was always paired with Roy. I think my favorite scene – well, favorite moment is in Red Ball Express , they are firemen in the kitchen (one of them wearing a construction helmet, WTF?) and it’s the moment the fire alarm goes off and they have to zip up…. oh wait, favorite scene is in Tough Guys , Bob is a burglar sneaking up on Jeff Stone (I think that makes him a robber, but I digress) and is foiled by, of course, Roy Garrett! It’s the extreme close-ups of Bob Shane’s handsome face – and seeing that on the big screen was awesome back in, what, 1983, 1984? This pics above don’t do the man justice – like what’s with the “Dad” sweater?

more Bob & Roy here

and my little blurb on the scene in Heatstroke .

"vintage" porn stars Paul Barresi


Paul Barresi


"vintage" porn stars



Body – July 1975

bjork tunes

And the luminous beam, It feeds you

All Neon Like (live 3-25-15)

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smoking Wrangler