BODY, Jan 1976

Boy does my GAGEtape page need an update!
Boy does my GAGEtape page need an update!
This is why I can’t watch my old porno – once i get started, I immediately stop within 5 minutes, need to take some notes, do some online research, scan some pics, etc. I was trying to find the dang Forbidden Portraits tape that some folks were commenting about below, and I finally find it. Within a couple of minutes I see I need a scan of the cover art work, then I get around to play the tape, but stop to jot down notes on who’s in the movie (GEVI, I love you, but sometimes I just got to lay it out as the credits roll, typos and all), notice there’s a t-shirt in the first scene that I need to make a note of (and maybe grab a screen cap, or find a link to the time I posted about those shirts?), then noting that “Bosh” is the same as “Bosch Wagner”, and realize he was in Oil Rig #99, and that brings me to my old post from 2004, and I have to listen to Jean Michel Jarre’s Oxygen_Part 4, which is featured prominently in the movie, (and is that Bosch dancing in his ripped up jeans to the music?) which sends me back to tripping on LSD back in the early 80’s at the porno theatre….. which makes me think of that amazing scene from Falconhead 2 (but that’s not the clip, I can’t find it right now, but it’ll do, since it’s the trailer, which uses the same tune) with Jarre’s Souvenir de Chine, and that post from 2008 about what the tune does to me (which happens to link to another post from 2004, which actually talks about the film more)……and 4 hours later, I have only watched the first 10 minutes of Forbidden Portraits and the living room has porn tapes scattered all over the floor!
Anyone else notice JoeMyGod took down his column of links to other blogs?
Anyone else notice you can get a framed print of the above photo for ONLY $46.99?