"vintage" porn stars balls

Bob Bishop balls

6 replies on “Bob Bishop balls”

He was exquisite! I wish Barry Hoffman, would have shown him some affection in “Hayride”.

I found this on Tumblr. I wonder if he, Clay Russell, and Colt/Zeus model, Pat Webb aka Joe Paducah, worked at the same bar, during the same time, or was this a special occasion or charity event? Bob Bishop, incidentally, looks hideous with a mustache. Not all faces look good with facial hair.

For a short time in the mid/late 80’s they all worked at The Revolver. Clay then managed Trunks when it opened.

I really shouldn’t toot my own horn, but it’s so enjoyable! I really like the description I coined, for tall, rugged, hotties! You’re welcome to use my other suggestions, “Strappin’ Hotties”, or “Bruiser Babes”. But after some thought, I’ve decided on my favorite! : )

As I said above in 2015 (!), I think that “Beastie Boy”, Bob Bishop, was just exquisite! So warm and charming, as all “hotties”, “stud-muffins”, and “beastie boys”, should be! : 0

Not to mention, what an incredible body! : P

Decades ago, maybe around 1980, I watched “Hardcore (1979)” on cable, starring that powerhouse actor, George C. Scott. In this interesting, though flawed film, he plays a Calvinist, furniture manufacturer, from Grand Rapids, Michigan. He’s informed that his teenage daughter, has run away to become a porn actress. “Oh my God, that’s my daughter!” – Powerful! : (

For the next number of months, Jake VanDorn (Scott) comes to Los Angeles, to locate and rescue her. In the course of the story, he disguises himself as a porn producer, in order to interview male performers, who may have worked with her.

Being young and horny, I couldn’t help but notice, that one of the guys in the casting session was noticeably handsome. He’s the only attractive actor in the movie. It’s basically only a walk-on. I don’t remember him having any dialogue. All he does is nod to George C. Scott, basically saying to him, “Don’t call us, we’ll call you.” : )

I actually saw “Hayride (1976)”, at the Adonis porn theater, on Melrose Ave. in the early 80s. I’m terrible with grudges! I still resent the way Barry Hoffman, treats Bishop in the film. Beauteous Bob deserves to be adored! : /

I didn’t make the connection that Bob Bishop, who was in “Hardcore”, under his real name, was the same stud in “Hayride”, until years later! I read it online on some blog – “Aha!” Wow, he worked with both George C. Scott AND Al Parker! : 0

Evidently, he was in porn for just a short while, but he was glorious! : )



I wanted to show you this later picture of him, as he aged into a silver daddy; but I couldn’t find it, until now. I saw it before on Tumblr. I wish it was bigger! But oh well! Better small, than not at all! : )–older-men-silver-foxes.jpg

He looks heavier, grayer, and older now – rather “bearish”! I discovered this fact, by finding his Facebook account, under his real name! Who knew? No, I’m not going to link to it! : /

I respect his privacy. He looks so innocent! My Catholic sense of guilt would eat me alive! Besides, I’ve left enough clues and hints, for anyone to do their own detective work. ; )

I’ll only offer you this, as far as what he’s written on the first page:

“I especially love nature, love gardening, tending to my classic cars, music & playing my piano!”

Ah, I just knew he was wonderful and interesting! Sometimes, you really can judge a book, by its cover! *SWOON* : )

As we all know, he only worked with Al Parker, in print. Judging from all his porn partners, was Al Parker, a lucky horn-dog, or what? – Truly awesome! : 0

Looks like a very enjoyable experience for both! Get a load, of both their bright, happy, broad smiles! : )–01.jpg

If only his Colt photo-layout, was filmed as a loop! Despite appearances, I know for certain, that ultimately these pictures weren’t simulated! Are you kidding? Not with Parker, they are!

Al Parker ALWAYS sampled the goods, before completing print work! Does anyone doubt this? : )

In this layout, Bob Bishop makes out with Parker in a van. In “Ramcharger! (1978)”, Bob has sex with Ed Wiley in a truck. : 0

We now know that Bishop was into classic cars, could that have been a factor, in him appearing in porn? Just a thought! : )

; )

Bob Bishop (Mikey) was going to the same gay gym I was going in 1978 in San Francisco. He was so hot; I late night after the bars closed on Castro Street; I met Bob and went home with home; it was so hot, doing it in his basement.

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