
BODY – March 1976

11 replies on “BODY – March 1976”

“Harold” is the model’s name, by photographer Dudley, a frequent contributor to the magazine. I see no other pics of Harold in that issue; could be in another issue, or one of the “sister” publications like CIAO

Odd that there wouldn’t be any more pics of him if he was on the cover. But I believe you, thanks for checking.

(and I agree with Johnny, ‘dreamy’ is a good work to describe this hunk)

It is odd, but unfortunately more common then you’d think. I went back and checked the mag again to make sure! It’s very disappointing that this is the only pic we have of this guy. I need a nekkid photo!

Also, what the heck is around his neck? It looks like a tiny beer bottle, or a tiny phallus, or maybe it’s just a polished crystal not meant to look like anything.

You and BJ are the masters of vintage gay magazines as far as I can tell, I have no doubt that if anyone can find more pics of Harold it would be one of you. Fingers crossed because a face and body like his deserves to be seen in full, from the front and the back.

That could be a beer bottle on his necklace, or maybe more than one even? Poppers maybe, is another guess. It almost looks like a padlock just behind it, or maybe that’s a shadow or something.

Poppers is a really good guess! I never thought of that.

It’s such a tease that we only see him in his jeans. Maybe that’s all the photographer could convince him to do?

We’ll keep an eye out for more.

Damn- I’m in love!

How can a man appear simultaneously baby-faced AND thuggish? He almost looks like a little boy imitating his daddy. Almost. But then you see that scrumptious bulge and you know there’s nothing little or boyish about this man.

Will he beat me up or fuck me or just want to cuddle? Who cares?! Dreamy!

(Hope these links work!)

Why yes, I knew that “Harold” photographed by “Dudley”, looked familiar! I’m all about muscles!

zephyr: “… I have no doubt that if anyone can find more pics of Harold it would be one of you.” WELL!

Johnny Llama: “I need a nekkid photo!” Ask, and you shall receive. You’re welcome. : D

Let me first thank BJ, plus Mr. Z, and the Llama! Both BJ and Johnny are correct, about zephyr’s inquiry. All of you provide the info. But “I” bring the receipts! “Welcome to My World” is a fabulous website!

This is the cover of the April 1976 issue, of QQ Magazine:

It features uncut “Harold” posing, Donald Duck style:

This is the “Mandingo” cover, of the June 1978 issue, of QQ Magazine:

It features a more mature and ripped version of “Harold”, completely starkers! Plus, he’s “pulled back” exposing his rosebud, with a mustache. This time he’s photographed by “Robert”:

I hope all three of you, plus “Mihalyka”, appreciate this! But hey, don’t worry! I don’t expect thanks, let alone acknowledgement! Just kidding! : )

; )

No ass shot?? OK Obsessed I’m KIDDING, don’t be shady, be a … well, not a lady. You know what I mean. Very well done in terms of finding the goods for Harold! Can I assume QQ is another of the sibling publications, like the Ciao that BJ mentioned? If you or one of the other experts knows that is. Should have included you in that elite sphere :) I’m not familiar with any of those mags, I don’t think so anyway.

That’s a pretty big difference between 1976 and 1978, looks like he kept roiding up and went further than perhaps he should have. Not like he needed my permission or anyone else’s to do what he wanted to his body but he looked at least somewhat natural and more fresh faced in the cover shot.

DAMN, Obsessed! You really did deliver!

Well done. I never would’ve thought he’d show up in QQ. I actually love QQ, but I have so few issues. It gets overlooked.

I was pretty much ready to give up. Sometimes you have to let these things go. I’m so grateful you didn’t! Although his cover bulge was so suggestive, and the reality, while I love getting to see it, is slightly “less” than what I was expecting. What a muscle man though! Woof.

Thanks, Obsessed!

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